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Nishikita woke up from a deep sleep. He looked to his phones to see over 10 un-replied text messages. It was mainly of people asking him if he was okay, for once even Kimura and Takao asked if he was fine. Something that has not happened at all in Nishikita's long memory of them

He replied to all of them that he was fine, there nothing to be worried about

He got changed and exited his house. He breathed in the late Fall air. Sighing as he got out his bike and begun biking. He noticed how much of stronger biker he was recently. Maybe from the hundreds of push ups from Takagi teasing him. Not that he was complaining

He looked at Takagi's account on his phone. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to hang out. But it felt weird to do so

"(it must be from yesterday)" Nishikita thought to himself. He reminisced to yesterday when Takagi jumped in to save him. He saw her differently now. And as much as he wanted that to change. It was to stay.

Nishikita cleared his mind anyways. As today was his job interview!

Technically he could't work yet but a store had decided to give him a chance. Now is his only chance to land a job so he could stay paying for and buying the new volumes of his favorite mangas!

Nishikita arrived at a store, a large building with 3 business in it. The first was where he was going, a small convenient store. There was like a physical fitness school for kids next to it. And finally a dentist on the upper floor

Nishikita sighed deeply to himself before entering the building

Takagi squirmed around in her bed. It was 10 AM yet she continued. The memories of yesterday keep on coming back. They were so vividly remember. Takagi thought about how they are probably going to be remembered for years after in her life. She rolled onto her back as she looked up at the ceiling. She suddenly had a thought come to her head

"(Does Nishikita find me...cute?)" She thought to herself. Before scanning her mirror

"I think he likes my hair but what about...everything else?" She looked at herself in the mirror. A frown appeared on her face

"Maybe I can try somethings... new for Nishikita" Takagi smilled at something in her closet

"Haha take that! You guy's thought I would fail my job interview! Well I didn't!" Nishikita showed off to his friends. Showing his employment papers.

His friends rolled their eyes at him, before scattering out of disinterest

"Wow you got a job Nishikita?" Takagi came up behind him, she asked him with interest

"Oh yeah! I got a job at-wait no! I am not telling you!" Nishikita nearly spoiled before he started to walk away to his partly empty pair of desks

She grabbed him on his shoulders before he could escape

"Hey want to go to the library to study? I heard you got a 59 on the pre-test" Takagi offered

Nishikita paused for a second, before taking the bait

"Sure" He naively replied, before continuing his walk to his empty desks

His phone pinged with the notification


4 PM Local Library Kay~

Nishikita stood inside the quite library halls. Anxiously looking around for any signs of the girl who had forced him here. But he struggled to find any trace of her. He gave up his search, instead walking over to the manga section. He browsed around, looking for a fun book to read. Oooh there was one about how a group of high school students were transported though a portal ended up in a new world! Or another one about a college student renting a "rental girlfriend" to clear his pain about his most recent breakup. Though that was not easy to relate to. Nishikita never had any experience with those sort of things anyways

Right? Those short and dangerous moments with Sanea were just a glancing blow right? Nishikita was just as prime as he ever was right?

He grabbed a manga and read it, he continued reading it for an uncertainness amount of time. Nishikita grew more and more anxiously with every passing minute. Takagi was here somewhere, she was here or maybe there, or maybe just behind him. Nishikita shot a look behind some shelves when he spotted some brown hair behind the one of the shelves

His eyes widened in shock as he jumped off the floor, dropping his manga in the process, quickly dashing around the corner

He was stopped by a brown haired girl....with black glasses. She stumbled back, apologizing despite not doing anything to him, before quickly scrambling away in fear. Nishikita put an arm around his shoulder in embarrassment. Apologizing for ambushing the small girl, she continued to scramble away in fear

Nishikita looked at the poor girl who was running away from him. He sniffed for no apparent reason. He looked at his phone, and there was notifications


Ahh I can't come! My Mom wants me to help her cook for a family dinner! So sorry I could't come! I will make sure to come and tease you next time! ;)

Nishikita was relieved yet disappointed to see the text. He felt weird, he was oddly excited to see her. Now that she wasn't able to arrive. He felt weak and pointless for a moment. Why was he really at the library?

He shook his head, no there must be another answer. He exited the library and head to his brand new work place

He entered the small store, punching in, he sat at one of the cashiers. A old lady came up to him, handing him a bottle of cooking vinegar and soy sauce. He sighed and ticketed the items in. He enjoyed his job, just sit and relax and once in a while ticket a few items in. But he felt lonely and sad. Was he looking forward that much to their library meeting?

A small parties of small sweating kids went into the market. With them seemed to be some adult that looked just like Sanae? But wasn't she a teacher? So why is she working here or better, why was she working with them?

"(Oh that's right! We have neighbors!)" The short burst of infomatition relayed to him!

After Such Words!(Teasing Master Takagi-san)Where stories live. Discover now