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"Wait what!? You gave CPR to Hamaguichi because he drowned himself inside of the hot bath!?" Nishikita spat in suprise

"Yeah, I hope he's fine" Kimura replied in extreme concern

Nishikita's eye watered as he looked upon his classroom

"(How could something happen to him? I have had enough with all of this drama! People have still not stopped talking about the culture festival! Now all of this about Hamaguichi drowning himself! Man just give me a break!)" Nishikita furrowed his eye brow intensely. Until he was poked on the shoulder from a certain girl

"Hey Nishikita, what are you thinking about? You seem distressed" Takagi asked with concern

"Oh it's nothing...." He paused

"It's just that Hamaguichi drowned himself"

"Oh is he okay?" Takagi perked up at the serious news

"Yeah, Kimura said he gave him CPR so he should be fine"

"CPR? What is CPR?" Takagi asked with a teasing look

"Oh CPR? Bascially when someone is drowning and uhh.....you put y-yo-your mouth onto t-there's and then y-you...." Nishikita sputtered

"Oohh~?" Takagi send him a sly look as she got closer to him

"Aahhh damm you Takagi-san! I am going to the bathroom!" Nishikita panicked, glaring at his teaser while quickly scuffling out of the room

"Hey Nishikita. You are invited to my house hangout during Sunday" Takagi spoke with a grin

"Wha!" Nishikita quickly bolted out of his teaser's view

"(Ah what is she saying! Why did she invite me so...casually like that!? Something is different this time! It's....-it's...Ahhhhhhh Takagi-san!!!)"

Nishikita's sighed, before walking outside the school, school was over now, so he had free rein to do whatever he wanted. So he decided to stop by a mall, got himself a drink before entering a clothing store.

"Hmm" He wondered deeply within his mind. What to buy? He hasn't got clothes shopping properly since the beginning of Middle School

"(I shouldn't think too deeply about this, I mean, who's going to judge if I get something weird?)" Nishikita tried to comfort himself but a certain someone appeared within his mind again, throwing him off balance yet again

Meanwhile, Hamaguichi was equally off balance, well that was a understatement. He was mentally trashed. And unable  to really think anything. The news was just a revelation to him. The thought of his friend and their important relationship to him never quite made him realize within his heart how he could lose it all with urgency

"When is Houjou moving to Canada?" Hamaguichi asked keenly, Kimura turned around to face him

"I think when she finishes school"

"So I have like....3 months? Something like that? Ahh I don't know! I only have 90 days! I am so done" Hamaguichi said pathetically, perhaps it was just the rapid events of actions. He was used to life moving slowly. Now with some girl pulling a knife during the culture festival. And with Houjou soon leaving the school for a new home. Things could not have been more panicked of late

"Yeah the thought of Sanea pulling a knife still sends shivers down my spine, do you have any idea what happened to her?" Kimura questioned with scared interest

"Not really, I think she was just jealous over Nishikita. Man those kind of girls are scary. But I heard that she was sent to a therapist center"

"Therapist center? Dang she really is crazy"

"I wouldn't chalk it up to that only. I felt that there is more going on behind the scenes" Hamaguichi explained carefully

Kimura raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Hamaguichi's cryptic statement. "What do you mean, more going on behind the scenes?"

Hamaguichi hesitated for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and uncertainty. "I can't say for sure, but there were rumors circulating about her family situation. Apparently, it's not the best, and that might have contributed to her behavior. It's just hearsay, though."

Kimura's expression softened as he listened, realizing that there might be more to Sanea's story than meets the eye. "That's sad if it's true. Sometimes, people act out because of things they're going through. I hope she gets the help she needs."

Hamaguichi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, me too. It's easy to judge someone based on their actions, but we never really know what they're dealing with internally."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the school bell, signaling the end of the day. As they gathered their belongings and prepared to leave, Hamaguichi couldn't shake off the weight of his own emotions. The news of Houjou moving to Canada had hit him harder than he expected. He felt a deep sense of loss, realizing that he might never see her again after she leaves.

Walking home, Hamaguichi found himself lost in his thoughts. He thought about all the memories he shared with Houjou, the laughter they had, and the moments of comfort they provided each other. They had formed a special bond, and the idea of it coming to an end was overwhelming

Meanwhile, Nishikita, still pondering over what to buy at the clothing store, found himself distracted by thoughts of Takagi's invitation. He couldn't help but wonder why she had invited him to her house so casually. Was there something more behind it? Nishikita's heart raced at the possibility, his mind filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As the weekend approached, Nishikita's anticipation grew. On Sunday morning, he carefully selected his outfit for the hangout, wanting to make a good impression. He arrived at Takagi's house, a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through his veins. He saw his friends standing outside the door waiting for him, with much excitement. He rallied with his friends outside's Takagi's home

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