Mind The Words

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So there is potentially a love triangle!?" Mina with excitement shouted

"Not only a love triangle, a love rectangle!" Yukari busted with excitement

"What? How does a love rectangle work?" Sanae questioned with doubt

"Well you see..." Yukari grabbed a marker and started to write on the whiteboard

"You see Takagi -san and Nishikita-kun like each other, but Nishikita is secretly cheating on her with Houjou-san!" She drew a large line across from Nishikita to Houjou, labeling "affair" over the line

"Then Takagi-San wants to get back at him so she starts meeting up with... Nakai-kun!" She drew another line from Takagi to Nakai

"But you see! Secretly Nakai likes Nishikat-"

Sanea killed Yukari before she could say anymore

"No you idiot, you just wanted a fully functional rectangle" Sanea spat with disappointment to Yukari who was on the floor, moaning in pain at Sanea's sudden movement, Mina who was giggling, dragged her out. The bell rang and the sounds of footsteps could be heard

The day continued, Nishikita was getting increasingly bored out of his mind.

During lunch, he contemplated what to do after school ended

"(Well I could go home and read more of 100% unrequited love, but I would feel even more unproductive today)" Nishikita cringed at his mind speaking

He felt a light tap on his shoulder, turning around, he saw a pretty blonde girl, with a slight smiling

"Oh hey Sanea? How are you doing?" Nishikita mannerly asked

"I'am doing good, so....I....Um...huh...I wa..." Sanea looked away in distraught

Nishikita looked at her in mild confusion

"(Why is she stuttering so much? Don't tell me that she's...embarrassed!?)" Nishikita's eye widened in shock at the sudden realization

"Do you want to...go hang out after school today?" Sanea twirled her fingers around in shyness

Nishikita stood in surprise at the sudden offer. There was a short pause before Nishikita replied

"Sure... What do you want to do?" Nishikita wondered

"Wanna, like go get something to eat?" Sanea nervously offered

"Sure!" Nishikita agreed hastily, he always liked getting snacks or food after school

Soon, the day ended, much quicker than Nishikita thought it would. He quickly packed up and was about to meet up with Sanea before a light touch heated up his shoulder

"Hey wanna walk home?" Takagi smiled at the shocked boy

"w-Walk home? Now? Uh......I gotta go, can't sorry!" Nishikita looked away in shame in what he did. He felt terrible for blowing off Takagi but he was late and he needed to meet up with her before she left! But...Takagi felt more important to him. But he refused to believe that "(Takagi-san would be fine not walking with me home for today right?)" He turned a corner before walking into Sanea

"Hey Nishikita-kun! Shall we go?" Sanea gently nudged him along

"Yes let's go, how bout that ramen shop by the fountain?" He offered a place to eat, pointing at a small store with the name "Ramen Mountain"

"Ah how bout that fried rice stand next to it instead? I don't feel like ramen" Sanea counter offered

"Sure I can go for some fried rice" Nishikita agreed and the two left for the fried rice stand

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