Culture Festival

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"Let's go see what the other classes are doing!" Mina yelled out excitedly across the cafe

Today was the first day of the Culture Festival, the event would continue over the course of three days ending with a vote on who had the best attraction

"I am going to win that medal!" Nishikita told himself, it was his idea so if they won. It would feel  like a personal win. 

Mina, Yukari, and Sanae walked out of the cafe, angering Nishikita due to the fact that Mina and Sanea were both on the waitress staff. Nishikita looked around in a panic for a replacement. 

"Hey we need somebody to substitute in for the waitress staff!" Nishikita announced

"Okay I will sub in!" Sumire yelled back as she went into the kitchen to get a uniform

The cafe was pretty popular it seemed. Half of the seats are occupied and it's still 2 hours before lunch rush.

"Hey Nishikita? Can you carry this fettuccine to table 4? Along with this lighter?' Takagi tapped his shoulder

"Wait me...? I am not a waiter" Nishikita confusedly replied to the young cook

She shoved the plate and lighter into his arm and winked

"Just do it~" She teased before coming back into the kitchen

Nishkita looked at the plate in his hand, sighing, he carried it across the bridge across a mountain, and arrived at the table. The table was very dark due tot he looming moutain over them. Nishikita scanned his eyes to identify the two people on his table. To his shock, Nakai and Mano were waiting for him at the table!

"Wha... What are you two doing here?" Nishikita confusedly asked to young couple

They smiled at each other before turning to him

"Takagi didn't tell you? We wanted somewhere romantic to hang out for the start of our date so we went here. Takagi said that she was going to send a surprise over?" Mano explained

Nishikita's eye widened at his sudden realization. He looked at the fancy candle on the table and then to his lighter. He sighed again and grabbed his lighter

"Oh yeah, I guess I will light this table for you two" Nishikita grudgingly agreed, starting his lighter

"Oohh it's so cute!" Mano squealed in excitement as the candle burned to life with a strong aura.

Nakai smiled before lunging out and kissing Mano, she returned the kiss and the two soon locked lips for what seemed like forever.

Nishikita blushed in embarrassment before quietly excusing himself, leaving the couple too have some alone time

"Gah that came out of nowhere! They could have at least warned me about that!" Nishikita told himself before exiting east side and crossing over to the forest section.

"(I wonder, what it would be like if, I shared that moment with somebody else...)" Nishikita wonder to himself before turning bright red at a sudden realization. 

Shaking his head, he entered the kitchen. The sound of sizzling, pans clanging, the smell of oil and garlic. Steam rushed up his nose, he looked at the chefs working hard with a concerned expression 

"Hey do any of you want to take a break?" Nishikita offered to his staff. They looked at him before Sanea replied

"Sure, I am going to go punch out" Sanea excited the kitchen

'Does anybody else want to punch out?" Nishikita restated, the rest of his staff though, declined his offer and resumed their work

Nishikita lightly nodded before exiting the kitchen. He was walking to the staff room when he felt someone poke him at the back of his neck. 

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