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One ball slightly annoyed Fwhip.

Two balls, however, irritated him.

The third one forced Fwhip to throw one back and the small 'ow' that escaped as it hit Sausage square in the eye forced a small chuckle out of Fwhip before another hit him in the back of his head.

"Game on!" Fwhip whispered just loudly enough for Sausage, who sat behind him, to hear and quickly threw the scrunched up paper at him.

It wasn't long for it to turn into an all out war, with the two going back and forth with throwing papers and the papers getting bigger each time, it was obvious the teacher would notice. Gem, annoyed after two had hit her and ruined a bit of her braid, stood up and smacked Fwhip across the face.

"Ow, Gem!" Fwhip yelled in protest. The teacher stopped talking, watching as Sausage threw one last ball.

"Gem, Sausage, Fwhip." All three slowly turned to look at her. Miss Gillevet stood at the front of the class, eyes stern as she glared at the trio who sheepishly looked her way. The rest of the class made an 'ooohh' sound as she spoke. "That's you three in detention after school."

Gem and Fwhip immediately sat still, groaning at the idea of having to stay an hour after school. Sausage just rolled his eyes after the teacher sent him a knowing look. He leaned back on his chair. Pix, who sat next to him, laughed lightly, knowing full well the 100 dollars in his pocket would do the trio justice.

Geography dragged for the four of them, and it felt like five hours until the bell rang all across the school. As excited chatter interrupted the teacher's speech, the students trudged out of the class. Fwhip, Pix, Sausage and Gem walked to their usual table, already seeing a couple of their friends sitting down, laughing.

With a loud groan, Fwhip flopped onto his chair, head on the table. A couple raised eyebrows forced Gem to explain.

"Sausage got us all detention"

"We got out of ours" Joey smirked, looking towards Scott.

"Don't leave us hanging, tell us" Shrub sat up on her chair, leaning towards Scott too.

Scott and Joey's geography class was boring. Their teacher, Mr Redfern, was a bit of a dick. He was strict, and you had to be silent throughout the whole lesson. A quick glance towards Joey, and Scott knew the boy was planning something. It should have been obvious. He's done no work, his sheet was completely empty, and not to mention the drawings of Scott's brother randomly littered about on the page.

"You need art lessons..." Scott whispered and Joey glared as he mocked a fake gasp.

"Excuse you! I draw very well for my age" Scott raised an eyebrow and before he could respond, the teacher coughed. 'Oh boy..'

"Scott, Joey, mind telling me why you were talking?" The silence from the whole class was loud and all eyes were on him. Joey loved it, the huge grin that painted his face proved it further. Scott's eyes widened before an idea came to his mind. He smirked.

"It's homophobic if you send both of us to detention, sir" Mr Redfern's eyes widened and his posture deflated. He was uncomfortable and Scott had him wrapped around his finger. Joey giggled, a devilish grin on his face too.

"Carry on..." Mr Redfern spoke slowly, turning around and teaching again. Scott looked towards Joey who was now leaning his head against the desk, aiming to fall asleep. He shook his head.

Everyone burst into laughter, and it took nearly the whole of recess for everyone to calm down.

"I can't believe you said that!" Jimmy yelled, and it was obvious all of them were getting looks, but they didn't mind. They were in the moment.

Their next lesson was History, which they all had together so chaos was bound to happen. History had possibly the best seating plan for the students, Pixl, Gem, Katherine and Scott all sat in the front of the class, behind them were Joey, Sausage and Fwhip,then Pearl and Shubble and in the back row you had Joel, Lizzie and Jimmy.

History was one of the very few lessons Joel would pay somewhat attention to, it wasn't much but still some. Normally he was doodling in his small pocket notebook he brought around with him and kept an ear open.

Jimmy sat in his chair taking note of everything his teacher said, he hated learning but he was failing almost every class except drama which he was amazing at. Lizzie sat next to him and helped him whenever he needed it, which was a lot.

Sausage and Joey talked most of the lesson about what they were going to do in their 'Therapy Mental Health Wellbeing Club' while they occasionally got hit with pieces of paper coming from Fwhip with Joel occasionally firing the odd one at them, hitting the two of them every single time without failure.

Pearl and Shubble listened for most of the class but fed each other gossip that they had heard when the class got boring. The front row was the most behaved, Pixl and Gem sat and concentrated throughout the lesson and got all their questions right, Scott and Katherine did the same but halfway through the two made a deal, Scott offered 50p for some bubble gum which Katherine quickly accepted.

Their teacher was laid back, but today he was getting fed up with the constant whispering coming from the back. He had assumed it came from Joel, who was minding his own business at that moment, so he decided to call on him to answer the next question thinking he would just get it wrong and embarrass himself.

"Joel, what year was the Battle of Hastings?"

"1066." Joel responded without any hesitation or taking his eyes off of his drawing.


Their teacher decided they wanted to call upon someone else, and their eyes locked upon Jimmy. Jimmy hadn't really contributed in any of his lessons so he wanted to change that.

"Jimmy who won the Battle of Hastings?"

The sounds of snickering came from the class as they knew he was going to get this wrong.

"Uhh- was it William the Conqueror?" Jimmy asked, unsure of himself.

"Yes that is correct."

"I got a question right! Lizzie, are you proud of me?" Jimmy yelled loudly and excitedly.

"Mr Solidarity!" The teacher snapped at him.

"Good job Jimmy, do you want a medal?" Joel asked sarcastically.

"Of course I do, Joel!" Jimmy whispered back.

The class continued as normal, Jimmy was still very excited that he got a question right. It was the last 10 minutes of the lesson and Joel slid something over to Jimmy. It was a paper medal he could wear! It even said on it,'To Jimmy, who got a single question right..'

Endless Memories - EmpiresSMP HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now