Chapter Four

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Sausage leaned his head back on his pillow and let out a long sigh, he turned his head slightly and glanced at the clock, 21:08. Sausage let out a small groan as he stood up and made his way down to the kitchen. He opened a cupboard and pulled out a small pouch of dog food, and poured it into a small dog bowl all while Bubbles was yapping excitedly. He placed the bowl on the black and white tiles and left Bubbles to munch on it while grabbing a pot noodle from the shelf and boiling the kettle. Until he heard the voice he hated the most.

"Are you seriously eating again? Don't you think you eat enough?" His dad said, standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"It's on-" Sausage began,

"I've raised you for your entire life! You should be thankful, I provide you with food, water, shelter and an education and what do you do? Nothing, you don't help with money or food, fuck you're blowing your only chance at an education hanging out with that lot, especially those twins and that blonde-haired idiot you're so fond of-" Sausage slowly put the pot noodle back in the cupboard and turned to leave as his step-dad approached closer.

"Are you even listening to me, Sausage! You know me and your mother wished we never had you, you're not the child we wanted, you don't listen, you eat far too much, your grades are the worst we've ever seen. If you keep this up the dog will go, maybe that will teach you."

"I-I'm sorry, I'll be better, I p-promise." His dad nodded approvingly at the promise, "That's a promise you better keep." Sausage's father left the kitchen and moved into the front room. Sausage quickly scooped up Bubbles in his arms and quietly headed to his room. He flopped down onto his bed and hugged his plushie, which was a red dinosaur, tightly. The dinosaur had been a gift from Jimmy a while back, Sausage had a red dinosaur while Jimmy had a green one so they would be matching. Sausage quietly sobbed into the plushie and wished it was Jimmy next to him rather than a plushie from the blonde. He wished it was Jimmy he could cry into, he wished it was Jimmy comforting him while stroking his hair, he wanted Jimmy with him more than anything in the world. Sausage tried to be as quiet as he possibly could be, occasionally the loud gasp or his stomach rumbling broke the silence he tried so hard to keep. Sausage felt the tiredness of his body take over as his eyes drifted open and shut, he took one last glance of his room before falling into a dreamless sleep.

Joel slowly blinked his eyes open, he blindly reached his arm across his bed and onto his bedside table and he fumbled for his phone, once he had found it he titled his head slightly so it was facing the table looking at the upright phone which read "1:48" Joel let out a soft sigh before flopping to his back and listening to the thing that woke him. He heard yelling, lots of it, most about him.

Joel shut his eyes tightly and hoped to wake from this never ending nightmare, but still when he reopened his eyes he was still stuck in his room listening to the sound of his parents fighting then he heard a horrifying sound, one he wished he never had to hear. The sound of the glass shattering followed by the painful scream of his dad seemed to echo throughout the quiet and peaceful neighbourhood. As much as he wanted to help his dad, he knew it was a bad idea, he knew if he went down there he would get hurt.

Minutes passed and the sound of more glass shattering made its way to Joel's ears, it had never been this bad, sure his parents argued most nights and as much he hated it, it never got to the point of them hurting each other. Joel let out a few silent sobs and he sat, ear to the door, listening for any sign his dad was ok. But he only heard more of his Mum's screaming at him about what a failure he had raised. He heard his name said by his Mum followed by loud angry stops up the stairs and to his room.

He couldn't stay here, not tonight, not when his Mum was like this. He put on a zip up hoodie and grabbed his phone, headphones and his donkey plushie and climbed through his window and made his way to his rooftop, where he sent Pix a text, asking if he could come over, praying he was awake. He could hear his Mum angrily open the door for a few minutes before reclosing it and heading to her room.

Pix woke up to a melodic chime on his phone. He pulled out his phone from under his pillow and switched it on, immediately blinding him. Once his eyes got used to the bright light he noticed "One missed Message From Smallishmemes", Pix felt himself let out a light chuckle at the name, someone must have changed it at lunch, before opening the message. Pix skimmed over it, the text seemed extremely rushed and Pix sent a thumbs up reply, as he got out of bed and opened his window for Joel to enter through and within a few minutes Joel climbed through, his eyes and nose were red and he had glossy tear streaks running down the side of his face.

Pix luckily, had bunk beds and Joel chucked all his stuff into the bottom bunk and sitting beside it. Pix looked curiously at him, something had definitely happened, Joel never seemed to be super affected about the situation and only ever came to Pix's to get sleep since most of the time his parents shouting often prevented that. Joel looked up slightly and saw Pix's face of worry and curiosity, he let out a deep breath before saying,

"It's gotten so much worse, Pix. So much worse." Pix sat beside him and gave a warm and comforting smile and offered a hug, knowing Joel wouldn't want to talk about it much more, which Joel accepted. The two sat in silence for thirty seconds before Pix said, "You should get some sleep, it is two in the morning after all."

"Yeah..yeah. Night Pix." Joel covered himself with his blanket and hugged his plush tightly while Pix made his way to his own bed; "Night Joel."

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