• part 2 first day of school

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first day of school
6:30 am
i'm so tired i cant do this. i woke up and did my make up and hair.

i ended up wearing this :

i ended up wearing this :

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i walked downstairs and already saw my sister jumping cuz of excitement.
* i cant with her , its 7 am!*

i picked up a waffle and drove to school
i had to be there at 7:15 because i will get a tour trough the school first.

i arrived at school and got the tour.

first period

my first period was math.
i hate math so much.
but i'm pretty excited to meet my new class.
there also was this new girl. she sat next to me.
"heyy im stavy" she said
"hii i'm y/n nice to meet you"
"i'm new here" stavy said
"hahahah so am i"
*she seemed nice i'm glad there i someone new too*
i talked for here a bit. she seems nice.

i'm walking to my next period and suddenly i see that guy from target.

"hey target girl" he said
*omg are you kidding*
"target girl got a name hahah" i said
"so what's ur name"
" i'm y/n hbu"
"i'm jaden walton" he said
"first and last name formal"
"okay bye target girl i gotta go to my class"

*well he is nice, i walked away with a smile on my face for some reason*
a few girls were staring at me i don't know why but i just let it go.

all my upcoming classes were pretty boring.
till the last one. i was sitting in the back of the class and i see target boy walking in.
*suddenly i like history class*

he comes into the class with a big entrance and everybody is looking at him.


everyone was looking at me. i didn't feel comfortable but just laughed, i guess he's pretty funny.

he was sitting next to me and he basically just told me stuff about this school.

*i think he is pretty popular, he seems like it*

at the end of this (last period) we were walking trough the halls to our cars together. i got some weird looks of girls but didn't tought weird of it. again....

[we are at my car rn]
we were partners for this project so he asked my number.

as soon as i was home i saw this text.

+313 ... ... ...
it's me jaden from history
oh hey jaden
so when do you wanna
on the project?
let's start this weekend
okay bet.
*sends his adress*
sunday 1pm?
do i need to pick u up or
do you have a ride?
i'll be fine thanks cya

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