• part 8 the party

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we drove to the party together because i'm spending the night at his. we walked into the party we looked at each other and knew what we meant.

trashy music
it smells
drunk people
just not the vibe

i saw kylee in didn't see her in a long time so i kissed jaden because we would just hang out with our friends this party.
kylee is already 16 i gave her her gift.
she loved it it was a basket full of stuff

"thanks y/n love you!" she said while giving me a HUGE hug
she's just the sweetest
"i love you too babe" i said back

i met some new people they were pretty nice i just hanged with them the whole party.
i looked around for jaden but i couldn't find him. i went to the bathroom because i wanted to take a breath my anxiety was kinda coming up.

as if i walked in the bathroom i saw jaden kissing with this girl i don't even know.

i couldn't believe what i just saw i just stood there doing nothing till he said:

"y/n what the fuck you doing close the door were busy" he was so drunk what was happening???
i closed the door because i just literally freezed my love for this boy IS SO BIG and i just saw him kissing another random girl. i ran downstairs and looked for jayla with tears in my eyes i almost couldn't even talk.

"y/n what's wrong??" she asked
"he he. he" i broke down in tears javon saw jayla struggling and picked me up and put me in his car. they drove me home.
i told them not to worry but i kept getting messages from them when i got home i turned off my phone and just laid in bed thinking.

wasn't i enough?
who even was she?

i fell asleep with the biggest headache ever.
and the most important.
without jaden.

the next morning i woke up and turned my phone on'

a lot messages!

my love : 80 messages & 16 missed calls
jayla my bbb: 24 messages & 10 missed calls
kylee: 4 messages
family gc: 2 messages

i opened that from my family first.

family gc

Y/n we won't be home for 1 week


i said okay but it wasn't. it was typical. the worst part is that i cant spend this week with jaden

next i read jaylas she said that she knows what happened and jaden needed to talk to me. i didn't reply back. just not in the mood.

kylee said that she was sorry and that i deserved better.

i didn't wanted to look at jadens but i had too.

"y/n i didn't know what happen"
"i'm so sorry"
"please let me explain"
"can you answer me"
"please y/n"
"come over please"

i was to broken to answer i decided to left him on delivered.

the rest of the day was not good i felt lonely and empty. i couldn't talk to anyone about my feelings. i listened to some music that made me
calm and ordered some pizza absolutely my fave.

i didn't respond to all of my messages and weren't online on social media. the doorbell rang.

it was jayla.

"hey y/n , i know you wanna be alone but i had to check up on you. she gave me some chocolate and a necklace."

she's the best. she left to her house i looked outside and saw jaden his car with jaden in it apparently he drove her.

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