• part 21

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early day
im so tired
today is stavys birthday so i'm excited
we gathered around the breakfast table in our house.

"so i heard a lot of kisses last night" sam said while looking at me and jaden.
"really wasn't us we didn't really kissed or make out last night" he said
"gross jaden" i heard ava saying
i ignored it but suddenly realised
"wait who were the kisses from then?"

i looked over at stavy sitting on saints lap
we bursted out of laugh
"you . are . kidding"
she just replied laughing
i decided to take a pic of them and posted it on my private story on snap

 kidding"she just replied laughing i decided to take a pic of them and posted it on my private story on snap

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today we are going to walk thru rome.
im so excited
the whole day was fun we just gotta walk thru the city with u friends.
we shopped a little bit and visited some popular spots in rome.

we shopped a little bit and visited some popular spots in rome

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@youruser idk if life can get better 💚
@onwardjdub my ma
@stavy.gomez my love
^ @onwardjdub she's mine
@saint.lozne mad pictures
@ava.spinoza having fun!

at the way back i fell asleep and so did jaden appartnly.
stavy posted this pic

we got back go the house

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we got back go the house. since there were only 2 showers we had to wait for everyone so long.
in the main time me and jaden were just cuddling in our room.
i laid on top of him.
and guess what ofcourse we fell asleep

and guess what ofcourse we fell asleep

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like this.
we woke up at like midnight with everybody in the room watching us.

"love birds" stavy yelled while jumping on the bed
"stavy shu up go make out with saint please" i said while getting up
"what time is it?" jaden asked with a tired voice
"wait can we finally shower???"
"yes" ava answered
"omg shotgun" i yelled
"ugh" jaden said while laying back

i got in the shower and washed my hair and body. did my skincare and put my hair up while i was walking out of the shower
i saw stavy cuddling with jaden while she was crying.

"omg what happend stavy?"
"do you want me to explain?" jaden asked while looking at stavy
she nodded
my heart dropped a beat
wtf happened did jaden cheated with her?
"so she was showering and she came back and saw saint kissing ava"
"omg are u kidding" i said while pushing jaden away and giving her a hug
"ava that bitch and saint don't deserve you"
"don't blame ava" jaden said
"youre backing her???" i said while looking at him with literal fire in my eyes
"she didn't do anything wrong"
"expect from breaking stavy heart and cheating on you"
"that's the past and stavy and saint aren't even together!" he snapped

i grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathroom
"what tf do you think ur doing jaden"
"i don't care about stavy" he said while pulling my waist to get a kiss
i pushed his chest away
"that is so rude she's my bestfriend"
"who cares"
"fuck you jaden" I yelled while walking away

this boy *sigh*

i walked into saint his room
"you gotta sleep with jaden in his room"
"fine with me" he said with a attitude
"go then"

the whole night i couldn't sleep
stavy fell asleep in a sec
i know why
when your heart is broken
you get such heavy eyes and a headache from crying.
i always fall asleep in a second then

i couldn't sleep al night
so decided to grab some water
i walked out of bed and gave stavy a kiss on her forehead (just friends)

i arrived in the kitchen and ofcourse...

y'all boring react

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