• part 13 wow

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2 weeks after my parents loss.
i'm going to school today. i need to pick up my life, jaden slept here for 2 weeks and did go to school. greatest company i could wish.

i put in a bun and this was my outfit.

jaden took me to school i still was too anxious to drive

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jaden took me to school
i still was too anxious to drive.

he looked at me and said
"are you sure u are ready?"
"yes i'm sure jaden"
he stopped on the side of the road.
he gave me a huge hug and a kiss on my forehead.
"i love you sm y/n you're so strong!"

my eyes started watering. i didn't say anything back but my eyes said everything
it's ok.

the second we arrived at school and didn't had the same classes so we split up. this was my first time being without jaden for a while.
everybody gave me hugs and sad looks. i didnt want the attention.

i wasn't on my phone a lot so my 3rd class i checked it.

i wasn't on my phone a lot so my 3rd class i checked it

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ofcourse. i responded and said that i was ok but needed him. the second i send him that. i saw him looking inside my classroom from the door.

"can i go to the toilet?" i asked
"yes" she's the best teacher

i ran into his arms and he hugged me
ugh this feeling we talked for a few minutes.

"jaden i think i need to go back."
"already miss ya"
"ye ye ye i know"
i gave him a little slap.

[jadens pov]
she got her smile a little bit back so happy
on god she means the world for me.

[yns pov]
7th period finally.
my upcoming class was with jaden not been this excited in a while.

i was walking to class but then saw jaden kissing a girl in the hallway.

"we are over" i said
he stopped this kiss
"fuck y/n i'm sorry"
i walked away

he ran after me
"Y/N STOP i cant let you walk home"
"don't be the fucking gentleman now jaden you're kissing other girls while we were in a relationship and i'm at my lowest I JUST LOST MY FUCKING PARENTS"
"you know what y/n fuck you not everything is about you, did you ever asked how i am? did you ever?

i was quiet i did never am i the selfish one?
"you don't even know what i'm dealing with" he continued

i walked away sobbing i cant anymore
i cant fucking do this.

i came home and was done graving and having depression and crying 24/7
i cleaned myself up cleaned my room and starting journaling.
(i lived by myself because i already was home alone a lot)

the next day i didn't go to school.
but friday i did.
just to see jaden kissing another girl.
i didn't even cared at this point.

just seeing jaden with another girl again.

guess what another again.

he wasn't at school today?

he was at school but didn't look okay he looked broken?

i wasn't at school

[jadens pov]
the first days of me and y/ns break up i got with a lot of girls. so stupid
i needed to get my mind away from that perfect girl.

i realised what i was doing and needed a day off. the whole day i was thinking why did i ruin this? she is the best? my anxiety became so bad. my family doesn't understand me so i had to go to school.

in the meantime y/n looked good. she looked happy again when i saw her in the hallway with her friends she didn't even looked at me and pretended like i wasn't there. i recognised my strong girl again. there she was again. what am i saying, she isn't mine anymore?

  what am i saying, she isn't mine anymore?

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@youruser only one i need, so thankful!
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