• part 22

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"why ain't you sleepin" he asked
"just can't sleep"
"me neither"
full 2 minutes of silence
"so talk"
"i don't have to say anything" i said
"me neither"
"jaden you can't say that about my bestfriend"
"so what y/n i didnt hurt YOU tho i might hurted stavy and it's not like we are inseparable. saint is my bro"
"no jaden you didn't hurt me directly"
"i don't care about women except from you and my family"
"you don't gotta comfort someone and then say that you don't care and stuff that's fucked up"
"y/n honest to god i don't care i just wanna sleep"

i walked back to my room and fell asleep.
the next morning i woke up
very bad vibe today
no one is really talking at breakfast
sam is talking a lot
a little to much
stavy didn't even showed up
i know she's hurt but they aren't together

today is the 4th day in italy
i wanna go home
my roommates and friends aren't in a good mood anymore and stuff.
i wanna shower in my bathroom or jadens
i don't like other bathrooms

today we are walking thru the city for the last time
and tomorrow beach
then finally home

it was 1pm
i decided to wear this because it's so warm today

it was 1pm i decided to wear this because it's so warm today

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i love it that's so cute

we all walked out of our house and walked to the metro.
jaden and i didnt talk since last night
we made eye contact and stuff
mental love was there
but physically

me and the girls were looking in zara at some cute dresses.

i bought this one i love those kind of dressesthere chique but comfy and look so cute

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i bought this one
i love those kind of dresses
there chique
but comfy
and look so cute

the next store was sephora
suddenly i feel sweater being tied around my waist.

"you can't walk like that in public ma" i heard someone whisper i my ear

jaden ugh
i have to
no but actually tho
i can't always stay mad for 3 minutes
im not a joke
i can't tho
look at his face
y/n stop
stay focused

i didn't replied to him and just went on looking at makeup
it's the end of the day
i'm sleeping with stavy again
i'm excited for tomorrow
beach day finally

Next day 10am
i woke up with stavy already being awake on her phone
"goodmorning s" i said
"goodmorning hoe" she replied

i got in the shower and picked out a bikini

i put a jean short over it and a little tanktop i walked in the kitchen seeing only half naked boys HOTjaden was the hottest tho i miss kissing him

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i put a jean short over it and a little tanktop
i walked in the kitchen seeing only half naked boys
jaden was the hottest tho
i miss kissing him

my school hired a huge bus to drive everyone to the beach
once we arrived at the beach we can do all our way.

we dropped our towels with the group and all ran into the water. (me and my friends)
we were all swimming with each and other
just playing around and all chilling in the water
we decided to get out
the sun was going down and we played on some music
we met really nice friends from italy their so nice. we were al sitting in a circle just talking
late night vibes

some italian boy sat down next to mewe started talking about living in us and italy he is really nice and we had a really good chatim in the  middle of explaining something to Luca because that was his name

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some italian boy sat down next to me
we started talking about living in us and italy
he is really nice and we had a really good chat
im in the  middle of explaining something to Luca because that was his name.

i feel a hand grabbing my arm and pulling me up
"jaden what are you doing"
he didn't say anything but just taking me to a private spot
he grabbed my jaws and pulled me into a kiss
i missed this so fucking much
i kissed him back
i couldn't handle it anymore
"jaden we can't just ignore the fact-"
"shhhhh y/n shut up" he said while grabbing me for another little kiss
"why are we arguing about this stupid thing y/n come on"
"let's forget it"
"yea i'm over pretending like i'm mad at you" i said while hugging him.
i let stavy made some cute pics of us

 i let stavy made some cute pics of us

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@onwardjdub italy with ma ♥️

we arrived back at the houses and i shotgunned the shower. finally i'm first
i got a shower and after me jaden got one
we immediately settled down in bed while i was laying on his chest just looking into his eyes while he was sharing he experience in italy and playing with my hair.

we fell asleep while still cuddling
best sleep i've had in a long time
life is starting to come back

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