• part 3

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the rest of the week was kinda boring the only fun parts was history class. Jaden is actually really nice and i got to know him a little bit more. he plays baseball *god i love that*

we just talk so much sh1t it's so funny so much stupid talks nothing serious.

Sunday morning
it's 10am right now. i got downstairs.

"goodmorning mom"
"goodmorning sweetie, what are your plans for today?" she asked
"i'm going to a classmates house for a school project they live a 5 min drive away"
"okay sweetie have fun okay just stay in touch"
"i will" i hugged her goodbye because she is going to work at kylie and dad are going with her they will be gone all day.

i got changed in some comfortable clothes he said that i could so i did.

i got changed in some comfortable clothes he said that i could so i did

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i wore this nothing special.

i had to walk to jaden's house because my car is at the garage.
after 15 min i got there.

he opened the door and asked
"hey target girl where is ur car?"
i gave him a little slap in his stomach cuz i told him i got a name!! we were just laughing witch each other.
"i walked, my car is at the garage"
"i told you i could pick u up"
"yeah ik i didn't mind walking"
he was home alone and got a really nice house.
we went to his room.

it was so clean i was shocked.
"why are you looking with big eyes at my room"
"it's so clean omg how"
"yea that's my problem my room gotta be clean and organised kinda OCD"
"i got the exact same thing my parents call me crazy"

jaden his phone was blowing up like CRAZY

"boy how many messages do you get" i asked
"yes that is a fan gc they added me in"
"why would you be in a fan gc"

[jadens pov]
she was walking into my room with big eyes. i asked her what's wrong she says she had the same OCD problem. Ha we kinda have some similarities.

she asked me why i was in a fan gc? doesn't she know that i'm javon walton's twin and kinda known. i guess she doesn't. i'm not going to say anything we will see.

we were talking about music i told him about mac miller my favourite artist ever. he said he didn't listen to him.

"WHAT you don't listen to mac miller"
"yea what it isn't THAT weird"
"oh it is"
"let me find some good tracks and you will listen to them"

we just listened to his music and talked for about 4 hours. just the vibes

[back to yns pov]
after a good 4 hours of talking and just laughing and a little work of our school project i gotta go.

"jaden i think i gotta go it's late and i still need to make food bcs i'm home alone"
"oh okay that's to bad i'll drive u i cant let a girls walk alone in the evening"
"okay then gentleman"
"right" he said with a HUGE smile.
*hes kinda cute*
we arrived at my house.
he wanted to drop my off right in front of the front door.
"jaden u can actually come in let's just watch a movie and cook something i don't wanna be home alone"
"i'm not saying no to that offer"

me and jaden really get along. we might be getting good friends.
"we watched a movie and ordered some pizza cuz we were to lazy to cook something.

"we watched a movie and ordered some pizza cuz we were to lazy to cook something

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he puts this on his ig story.

my mom just texted me that they won't be coming home tonight. Jaden already fall asleep and i was about too.

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