• part 15 mad?

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[yns pov]
today javon asked if i want to come over.
i mean it's kinda a lot i haven't been there since the break up and that's already 2,5 months ago.

"is jaden gonna be home?"
"no he's prob at baseball only jayla will be home"
"okay perfect i'll be there"

i arrived at the walton's house and memories gosh.

"Y/NNN" jayla yelled
i gave her a hug and went to javons room.
i saw him just sitting in his couch and watching some tiktok. i sat next to him and we decided to make som tiktoks.

in the middle of a tiktok the door flew open.
"bro do you got a charger?"
he didn't even wore a shirt or anything just shorts.
"wtf" he said
"y/n come with me now"
he gave us both the date stare
i said to wanna i'll come back wait
he gave javon a angry look and whispered fuck you

he let me walk in first and held the door for me he will always do that
it's the little things that made me fall in love with him
laughing at me when i look at him
holding the door
grabbing my waist

"y/n what the fuck are you doing in javons room with javon" he said while staring informs of the door
"tf do you mean"
"don't date my brother bro that's weird"
"didn't i already told u u can't decide who i date!"
"SO you're saying javon"
"no jaden im not i cant date him i cant lay in his bed without thinking about you and you laying alone in the room next to us i cant think about sleeping in his arms and not getting fucking flashbacks to you i cant-"

here we go again he stopped me talking and kissed me. i missed kissing him he's low-key the best.

"jaden we can't" i said while pushing him away
"why can't we y/n tell me why we can't"
"because i'm not ready to get attached to you and seeing it won't work out again, didn't we like met up for a whole hour to discus this?"
"i know y/n i just miss you"
"we can't jaden im sorry" and gave him a hug

1 in the night
the whole night i thought about jaden and his
"i know y/n i just miss you"
i missed him too
a lot
but we can't get back together we are not good for each other.

in the hallways we looked at each other and we know how deeply we in love are. we can't show it.

in the past few weeks i saw jaden with a few girls but i went with a few guys too just to get my head of of jaden and i realised nobody is the same.

we talked one time again. we were having eye contact just like we were in love and he said to me "don't look at me like that you know i cant have you" and gave me a face. "well don't look at me like that either than jaden"

he posted this on his ig

2 million likes@onwardjdub lil bro is turning 3 already, 3 got some good memories ❤️‍🩹(just pretend he is 3 only for this post)

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2 million likes
@onwardjdub lil bro is turning 3 already, 3 got some good memories ❤️‍🩹
(just pretend he is 3 only for this post)

@youruser yes it does...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAELO💙

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