Chapter 2.

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Stuart/2D pov.
I woke up in the afternoon, Feeling a bit numb and something uncomfortable on my face, I touch cheeks and there were dried tears from earlier, I get up and start making my way to the door and open it, I walk downstairs and see noodle watching TV with russel, "Hey D'"
russ said to me still focused on the TV  "hey Russ, di' you guys buy my peppermint tea?" Since i forgot to make myself some earlier, They nodded in sync,I was about to walk away when noodle spoke "oh wait toochie!" "yes noods?" i replied "i bought some chips too, can you get them for me? Also I bought a new zombie movie also can you get it too?" she asked kindly "'course noodle" i walk over to the kitchen, the plastic bag was on the kitchen table, I dig in through the pile of groceries and found my peppermint tea,noodles chips, and the zombie movie!

Fast forward cause why not

After the boiling water was done i get a mug from the cabinet and start purring the hot steaming water in the mug, I put the tea bag in and start mixing it, after it was done i walk back to the living room with my peppermint tea and noodles chips, I give noodle her chips and her face turned into a wide smile, I place the zombie movie, and it started playing.

Murdoc pov.
I was in my room playing my bass, getting bored I put my lovely bass on my bed, I saw an unopened bottle of beer next to my nightstand, I pick it up and use my teeth to take off the lid, I drown it and scrunch my face after, I get up a bit wobbly, I walk over to my door and open it, I walk downstairs and saw the 3, well 2d,Noodle, and russ watching a Zombie movie on the TV, 2d notices my presence, " Hey Mur'oc come watch TV wi'h us!" 2d said to me causing the other two to notice me too, "Alrigh' alrigh'" I sit beside 2d, I notice he has a light pink blush on his face, I chuckled a little bit and he notices, the blush from his face earlier slowly turns to a dark red,

after 40 minutes in the movie, noodle and Russel already fell asleep, I sighed and grinned, I look over to 2d that was glued to the screen, I notice that he actually looks, cute, my grin turned into an evil smirk, I grab 2d's wrist and lead him to the hallway, he looked at me confused, I pin him against the wall, "say, I noticed tha' you blushed earlier when I sat next 'o you hm?" I asked him, and again I see a light blush creep up his face, "i dunno muds, p-probably 'cause I' was ho' in there.." he said trembling, I smirked, I inch closer to his face, "the air conditioner was on dullard" I replied, he was now turning into a tomato once again, I move away and yawn, I look at his confused face I look at the clock on the wall, 6:52pm , "well then, 'm going back ups'airs" "o-okay" he replied, I grinned and walk upstairs to my room.

Stuart/2d pov.
My heart was pounding quickly, was he gonna kiss me?! i thought, I walk back to my room aswell, thoughts ran through my mind.

Was he gonna kiss me?
Was he gonna make out with me?
Was he gonna do something to me?
Or was he gonna do more than that?..

I blushed at the thought, i open my bedroom door, I flopped down on my bed and began to scream in my pillow, I should talk to him tomorrow.. I thought again, I began to doze off, and eventually i fell asleep.

Word count: 654

A/N sorry if its a short chapter my head is beginning to hurt idk why- and I need inspiration 😤, I don't know what I did in this chapter but hopefully again you guys like it- credits also to rightful owner of the picture!

What will happen in the next chapter?...

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