Chapter 3.

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Noodle pov.
I woke up next to russ on the couch, i look at the clock on the wall, 9:04 pm,i put my hand on russel's shoulder and shake him slightly, "russ wake up" his eyes slow open and look at me confused, " what noods?.." he said tiredly, "we need to get back in our rooms, looks like toochie and mudz already did" i said while looking at the other side of the couch, he nods and we both walk up the stairs and go to our rooms.

Next morning😩

Stuart/2D pov.
My eyes flutter open, when the sunlight touches my face, i sit up and rub my eyes, a migraine slowly comes through, and i wince in pain again, i put both of my feet on the ground, i stand up wobbly, i make my way to my nightstand and get my painkillers, i twist the lid open and shake the bottle on my hand, only one fell out I look in the container and there was only one left, i quickly swallow it, I'll probably need to re-fill tomorrow i should ask muds to come with me i thought i walk over to my closet, i forgot to strip down last night that's probably why it was so warm and uncomfortable, i take a white oversized plain shirt and some red shorts, i go to the bathroom and take a shower like every other day, after showering i put a towel around my waist i look for my clothes, but i couldn't find them, i probably forgot to bring them here, i groaned in frustration, i brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom, i was walking to my room when someone whistled, i turned around and it was murdoc, again, "what do you want murdoc?" I ask him quite sounding annoyed, he raises an eyebrow and walk past me, before he walked past me, he slapped my ass(still covered with a towel) , i shivered from the feeling, he smirked and walked away, "Good morning to you aswell Bluebird." i looked at him in shocked and flustered, i walk stiffly to my room and get dressed, Bluebird, did he just call me blue bird? i check the time on my digital clock on my nightstand, 9:23, i open my door and walk down the stairs, i looked in the living room if theres anyone in there, no one, i walk in the kitchen, Noodle was on the kitchen table, playing on her phone, Russel was cooking pancakes, "Good morning Noods 'n russ" i spoke up to them while making my way to the drawers to make my peppermint tea, "Good morning toochie!" Noodle replied and Russel just hummed in response, i take a kettle and pour water in it, i put the kettle on the stove and turn it on, i take my phone out of my pocket and start scrolling on social media again, after a few minutes my kettle whistled, i take it off the stove and turn it off, i grab a mug from the drawers, i grab my peppermint tea too, i pour the boiling water in the mug and put the tea bag in, Russel was done cooking pancakes for us, i finish mixing my peppermint tea and walk over to the kitchen table and sit down across from noodle who was staring intensely at her phone, i take a sip of my tea, russ set a plate infront of me full of pancakes and did the same to noodle, russ sat down beside noodle, and Murdoc walked in the kitchen, i stared at him a bit flustered and remembered what happened earlier, "Goodmorning Russ,Noods, and 2d" murdoc spoke up which made me come back to reality, "Morning Muds" both of them replied except me, i stared back at my plate of pancakes, i took a fork and started eating.

Murdoc pov.
I walked in the kitchen, i noticed that dullard staring at me, cute, " Goodmorning Russ,Noods and 2d" i spoke to them, russ and noods replied " Morning Muds" in sync but 2d didnt speak, i looked at him raising an eyebrow, i shrugged it off and walked to the fridge, i open the fridge and get a beer, i use my teeth to open the bottle, i walk to the kitchen table and sit down next to 2d, there was already a plate of pancakes in-front of me, i take a fork and start munching on my pancakes, devouring it in 2 minutes, i looked to my side and 2d was back at it again staring at me, " what do you want dullard?" I said annoyed, i slap the back of his head in the process, he flinched and looked away, " n-no'hing muds.." he said trembling, i scoffed, i drowned the beer i opened earlier, i get up take my plate and place them in the sink, i sit back down next to the trembling dullard, suddenly katsu walked in the kitchen and jumped on my lap, i flinched at the cat sitting on my lap, i looked at noodle looking at her with a face 'help what the hell', noodle just giggled, her giggles turned into pure laughter, and other 2 laughed with her, "looks like katsu likes you muds!" Noodle tried to say while laughing, 2d agreed and russ was just scoffing, i pouted , the laughs faded and there was a comfortable silence all of them finished eating placed they're dishes in the sink, I was reading a news paper to keep myself entertained, 2d was playing with katsu, noodle was on her phone scrolling though social media and Russel was cleaning the dishes, I noticed that 2d was staring at me, again, " you've been staring Alo' 2d, do I look sexy today?" I ask him teasingly, a small blush crept to his face, " wow your so hot Mur'oc" 2d said sarcastically, I chuckled.

Stuart/2d pov.
I have to confess to him today, probably later night, time passed by really quick, soon it was 5:28 in the afternoon, I was laying on the couch scrolling through social media, when something caught my eye, it was a drawing of me and murdoc doing.. you know what... I blushed at the picture, I didn't notice someone coming in the room, " OMG TOOCHIE WHAT IS THAT?!?" noodle shouted that made me jump and fall off the couch, " N-not
hing noods!" I replied nervously, noodle looked at me suspiciously, "tell the truth toochie." I got up and tried to turned around to walk away but the child spoke again " COME BACK HERE YOU BLUE SMIRF." she shouted, I turned to face noodle, gosh she's just a child but holds a man's voice, "fine fine, I was scrolling through 'witter and saw tha' I' was no' ma faul'" I said trembling, noodle chuckles " sure sure.." she said teasingly and has an evil smirk, my blush became a more darker red, and I remembered what I was supposed to do tonight, I go upstairs to my room, I take out a black oversized plain shirt with dark blue baggy jeans and black coat, I strip and put on the clothes I picked, I let out a sigh.

This is gonna be an awkward night.

A/N I decided to do another chapter since I was bored as hell, made this one a bit longer, hopefully two updates is fine for you guys, might overwhelm you.

what will happen next?

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