Chapter 11. slight smut..

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2d was sitting on his bed, he was reading a book that murdoc gave him, to keep him entertained, he was still shivering, because of the cold room, he stopped reading at a page that said "⚠️Smut/NSFW in coming!" he shrugged and kept reading, he didn't mind, he was really bored and wanted to continue the story.

2d pov.
I kept reading, it was man and man romance story, I didn't really know why he gave me this kind of book but, I'm grateful since it was the only thing that can entertain me right now.

I red and red, each word the story became more rated R.

'i moaned and moaned as he bit my neck slowly, living a bright red hickey on the crook of my neck, I panted, as he looked at me, he had lust in his eyes, I took the opportunity to kiss him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and smashed my lips with his, I moaned in to the kiss when he rubbed the bulge in my underwear, we were only wearing boxers at the time, he pulled both of our boxers off, he grabbed some lube from the nightstand and applied some on my entrance,his member, and his fingers, he put one finger in me firs-'

I was quietly reading it, not really noticing that I was reading it out loud, until I heard an elevator ding on my floor, I didn't mind and just kept reading it's probably cyborg or noodle who wants me to do something, I laid my head on the headboard of the bed while still reading, I was so lost in the book, I didn't notice the door open, and a tall figure looking at me, I finally finished the smut part, and switches pages, until I heard clumsy foot steps, and look up and saw murdoc standing, with a beer on his right hand, and some apple juice in the other, he looked at me dumb founded. I cocked a brow at him.

"ey murdoc?" I started, I shook his head and gave me the apple juice he once was holding in his hand, i took of the straw from behind the juice box, and stabbed it in the juice, taking a sip.

He sits down on the edge of the uncomfortable bed I was sitting on earlier "so, I was thinking of actually doing work for songs now, I've wrote some lyrics down, I think they need some improvements though, mind ya helping me?" He gulped half of his beer down, I finished my juice and crushed it, setting it aside.

"Sure!" I said happily, he smiles gently, and stands up.

he opens the heavy door, and we both walked out of the dusty room, entering the elevator, he pressed the studio button, and the doors closed, as the elevator started going up, i pursed my lips, as i waited patiently, I saw murdoc talking glances at me time to time, I didn't mind though, eventually the elevator stopped and the doors opened, revealing cyborg noodle standing straight Infront of the elevator.

"hello murdoc, and dullard." The cyborg chirped out, I made a face, "my name's not dullard.." I saw murdoc chuckling in his palm, I rolled my eyes, "your name is dullard, murdoc refered you as dullard, your name can be changed if master will." cyborg stepped aside, so I can enter the studio, I walked pass her and sat down on the stool I sat on a few days ago.

murdoc walked over to a desk by the controls, and grabbed a few papers. he scattered the papers Infront of me, and pointed to one, titled To Binge, "we'll be working on this one first." He grabbed the papers and shoved it to my hand, I examined the paper, there was some words that are highlighted, I looked at him motioning at the highlighted ones.

"oh, that's right, forgot to tell ya, haha! those are for someone else.." he laughed, I raised an eye brow but dusted it off.

"I'll wait to be forgiven... Maybe i never will..My star has left me to take the bitter pill.." I red out the lyrics, I can feel Murdoc's eyes on me as I tried to make a rhythm.

"That shattered feeling... Well the cause of it's a lesson learned.
Just don't know if I could roll into the sea again.. Just don't know if I could it all again... She said, it's true..."
I wonder who he was talking about, if I'll ask him he'll probably get uncomfortable,so I'll keep my mouth shut.

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