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Melissa's POV 

The next morning I was just still so exhausted due to me tossing and turning all night. The shitting thing is I'm still recovering but recovering is like hell. I am miserable in the recovery stage that its the most I cry in a month because its hell. I told Toni I would help at the bar today but I can't now since I have to rest. I still managed to get up and wonder downstairs. Even when I was pregnant and tired all the time I still was able to do simple things but this is hell. I didn't really make it to the couch fully so I was laying in the middle of the floor. 

Sam- You need a hand

Melissa- Nope I have never been so happy that floor is a thing

Sam- You okay 

Melissa- Nope I'm just slowly dying on the floor I'll be alright 

Sam- Alright lets get you on the couch 

Melissa- I physically can't 

Sam- I can see that 

He picked me up and set me on the couch. Soon after everyone else wondered in and I was dozing off. I was so damn weak and tired that I didn't even think of food. 

Daniel- Hey 

Melissa- What 

Daniel- You need to eat

Melissa- Yeah okay give me a minute 

He was sweet enough to wait for me and gave me a hand. I didn't want coffee because I am just so tired. I ate and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep after until it digests. After I ate I went back to the couch since it was still hard to move. Simple movements like walking was a lot for me right now. Since I am home and I don't have nurses to check on me I have to do the nebulizer an hour a day until I'm fully recovered. It took me a minute but I got it since I've had to do this a lot. I changed it out with the mouth one for a personal preference. I have found a way to do it while using both of my hands. I don't have the best blood flow right now so I was freezing and I tend not to be very good at eating because I'm in pain most of the time. I didn't eat very much and it was sorta effecting me since 30 minutes I was shaky. Gabby came over and noticed I was pretty shaky. 

Gabby- You cold

Melissa- No 

Daniel- Let me see your finger 

Melissa- I don't want to 

Daniel- Baby 

I gave in and gave him my right hand. He pricked my finger and I looked away. Non of us are diabetic but they have it for specific reasons. Daniel know has studied my blood sugars on a normal 2 meal day since he did this before to keep track if I eat enough. He also knows by heart rate when I've had too little or too much or even enough. He brought it to my face and of course it was low. I didn't know what to do and he walked away putting it away. He gave me juice and a protein bar. I had to finish this first since I'm not really supposed to pull it away. As I was doing it Toni stopped by and I waved at here. 

Toni- Pretty bad I'm guessing 

Melissa- Mmm 

Toni- Don't stress on coming Noella is going to come in instead

My timer went off so I can stop and I turned it off turning to Toni.

Melissa- You know I fucking hate her

Toni- I heard you guys fight is that why 

Melissa- You know I get the impression she thinks I'm faking my past for attention 

Toni- I don't think that

Melissa- Oh so your defending her now

Toni- No I'm not 

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