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Melissa's POV 

Dom was on a break from touring and everything so he has been spending time with us in Riverdale. There is one problem though, the more I spend time with Dom I catch feeling for him. I know its wrong but I am scared to tell Daniel about it and its been bothering me. We are at Sam and Beths house right now having a little get together for fun. 

Melissa- Oh Gabby you are the person I need

Gabby- Whoah okay whats up. I heard your being distant from everyone but Dom and sometimes ignoring Daniel so whats going on 

Melissa- I'm probably going to get in trouble for this because its me breaking a rule but I just don't know how to tell him 

Daniel- Tell me what 

Gabby- Daniel not right now we are talking about girly things

Daniel- Okay then 

He walked out or I thought he did. He was hiding around the corner but we didn't know that.

Gabby- Tell him what 

Melissa- Its about Dominic 

Gabby- What did you get in a fight 

Melissa- No I've been having feelings for him but its so fucked up because I'm going against Daniel and we are married. I want to tell Daniel so we can fix this but I can't break Alyssa's heart nor Daniel's. Gabby what do I do 

Gabby- Okay well first off why the sudden change

Melissa- The whole BDSM deal has been not been the same since we switched roles

Gabby- Okay well that's an easy fix but the feelings for Dom you realize people like Landon and that group will kill you if they heard

Melissa- I know Gabby trust me we were planning on renting our vows but never did

Gabby- Well maybe you are lacking the attention you need 

Melissa- What do you mean 

Gabby- Like simple normal vanilla relationship you adored so much before you switched the roles and Dom has been giving you that 

Melissa- So what do I tell him Gabby I don't want to hurt either of us

Gabby- Well 

Daniel- No need 

Melissa- Oh my god 

Gabby- Okay well this can go two ways 

Daniel- So what are you admitting 

Gabby- Daniel hey think before you act 

Daniel- Shut up Gabby 

Melissa- Daniel no 

Daniel- What 

Melissa- No 

Daniel- Fine then 

Alyssa- Wait wait 

Daniel- Oh great more people to tell me to calm down 

Alyssa- Dominic already told me 

Daniel- So your telling me that you both knew and nobody told me anything 

Gabby- Well what is she supposed to say Daniel 

Daniel- Talk to me about it

Gabby- Don't you think she's been trying to Daniel. Think for a second anytime you get this mad have you took it in consideration how much your scaring her 

Daniel- I'm not scaring her

Gabby- Take a look Daniel 

He looked at me and I had tears rolling down my face. For the first time I flinched away from his touch. Dom and Sweet Pea saw me do that. Sweet Pea pushed him against the wall yelling at him and Gabby hugged me. 

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