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It was Sunday afternoon and I was sitting watching TV with Gemma. I wasn't really focused though because I couldn't get over the fact that not so long ago she wouldn't even speak to me then suddenly one day she's all nice friendly. I didn't ask her about it because I didn't want to ruin the relationship we have now.

After a while I got a text from someone. I unlocked my phone and smiled when I saw who it was from.

Louis💙: Hey Haz. I'm bored

Harry: Hey Louis. What are you gonna do about it?

Louis💙: Well I was thinking maybe we could hang out or not if you don't want to

Harry: Of course I wanna hang out.

Louis💙: I was thinking we could go to the park

Harry: That sounds great. I'll meet you there in thirty minutes

I switched off my phone and ran upstairs leaving Gemma looking shocked. I had to look good in front of Louis. I changed into a plain white t-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I wore a black hoodie over it because it was cold out and of course I had to finish it with a bandana on my head.

I ran down the stairs almost tripping on one of them. I walked towards the door and as I was about to walk out I remembered something.

"Hey Gems" I said, looking at her with a smile.

"What do you want?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"Could you please drive me to the park?"


"It doesn't matter. Can you please just do it?" I said with a pleading look in my eyes.

"Alright fine. You're lucky I can't resist those eyes" she mumbled the last part to herself.

We walked outside towards her car. I got inside the passenger seat and she went in the driver's seat. She started the car and drove in the direction of the park. "So are you gonna tell me why you wanted to go the park so badly?" She asked me.

"I'm going there to meet up with Louis" I replied.

"You guys are already going on dates. That's so cute" she smiles at me.

"It's not a date. We're just hanging out. But I wish it was more"

"Don't worry Harry. It will be. One day" she smiled at me.

"Thanks Gemma but I don't think so. I mean Louis isn't even gay"

"Have you even asked him about that?"

"Well no bu-"

"So how can you be so sure?"

"I'm pretty sure he likes girls Gemma. I've seen the way he looks at them"

"Okay. Maybe he's not gay but bi or something. You never know Harry"

I just stayed quiet, not knowing what to say.

"I'll take that silence as you knowing I'm right"

We arrived at the parked and I said goodbye to Gemma and got out of the car. I walked towards a bench when I saw someone already sitting there. He was wearing some grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. It was Louis. He looked so good in such a simple outfit.

"Hey" I said, sitting down next to him.

"Hey Haz. You came"

"Of course I came. Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know I just thought that maybe you wouldn't be able to convince Gemma to drive you here"

"Well I did and here I am" I smiled at him.

We just sat there for hours and talked about random things until the sun started to set. "It's getting late. I should probably go home" I said, pointing to the sun.

"Yeah you're right. Is Gemma on her way or are you gonna text her?"

"Actually I told her not to come"

"And why would you do that?"

"Because I knew you would offer me a ride home and I wanted to give her a break for once"

"You really know me well don't you?"

"Yeah but not well enough"

"Oh is there something you want to know?"

"No it's stupid. Don't worry about it"

"C'mon Haz. You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah. It's just Gemma keeps nagging me about it and telling me to ask Niall if I really want to know. I told her I'd rather hear it from you directly"

"Well what is it?"

"Gemma wanted to know if you're straight or not"

"You can tell Gemma that I'm not really sure. I think I'm starting to like guys but I still have a thing for girls. I thought that maybe I was bisexual but then I realised that I don't feel anything towards girls anymore"

"Oh okay"

"I think we should get going you know, considering the time. I don't want your mum having my head"

"Right. I forgot about that"

We walked to his car and got inside. I inhaled the familiar scent and Louis stared at me. "I'm sorry if the car smells bad. I never get time to clean it so it makes sense why it would sme-"

"No it's not that. It smells great. Smells just like you... with a little bit of Lottie" I interrupted him.

He chuckled. "Okay. You had me worried for a second there"

He started driving to my house. We sat in a comfortable silence, neither of us feeling the need to break it. After about five minutes of driving, we arrived at my house.

"Goodbye Lou. I'll see you tomorrow at school" I said.

"Goodbye Hazza" he replied.

I got out of the car and he didn't drive away until he saw I was inside the house. Inside I was greeted by a smiling Gemma. "So, did you find out or not?" she asked.

"Did I find out what?"

"Did you find out his sexuality?"

"Yes but also no"

"What do you mean?"

"He said that he's not sure what he is. He thinks he's starting to like guys but he still has a thing for girls"

"So I was right. He's probably bisexual"

"That's what he thought too until he realised that he doesn't feel anything towards girls anymore"

"So he's gay?"

"I'm not sure. I'm just gonna wait until he figures it out before giving him a label"

Gemma was about to say something when mum called us in for dinner. I ate my dinner and quickly went upstairs to my room. I wasn't in the mood for Gemma's questions. I lay down staring at the ceiling thinking about Louis. There was no way that Louis Tomlinson liked me. Even if he was gay, why would he choose me?

I decided that I've thought about him enough for one day and fell asleep.

A/N: So Harry found out Louis' sexuality but it's not really clear. Do you think there's something sus about how Gemma just changed her mind and started being nice to Harry? Why does she keep bringing up Niall? Stay tuned to find out and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. <333

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