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Louis drove us to my house and when we walked in we couldn't believe what we saw in there.

Right there on top of each other, were Niall and Gemma making out. They were shamelessly sucking each other's faces off. I cleared my throat and they quickly jumped off of each other.

"Oh um hey Harry. How are you?" Gemma said cheeks flushed.

"How are you is what you start with. How about you tell me why you're making out with my friend?" I asked.

"Gemma and I are together" Niall replied.

"Together as in dating?" Louis asked, baffled.


"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" I asked in a sincere tone this time.

"We didn't know how you would react Haz" Gemma responded.

"You know I'll always support every decision of yours Gems. No matter what"

"Aww thanks Harry"

"So does that mean I have your blessing?" Niall asked, hopeful.

"Yes you Irish idiot" I chuckled.

Louis and I decided to go to his house instead so they could be alone together. When we arrived we went up to his room after greeting Lottie.

"Who would have thought? Niall and Gemma. Nemma. Or Giall. No Nemma is better" I said flopping down onto my bed.

"Don't you think it's weird. I mean Niall is so much younger than her" Louis replied.

"She's 21 Lou not 48"

"It's still a three year age gap. I think it's weird"

"We have a two year age gap and no one's complaining so how is this a problem"

"I'm just saying"

"No Louis. That's stupid of you to even think about. They're cute together and they're happy. Isn't that what matters?"

"But it's not normal Haz"

"We have a two year age gap and to top it all off we're gay but no one has judged us at all"

"I'm not judging them Harry"

"Yes you are. You know what I'm done arguing. I'm leaving" I stormed out of his room and ran downstairs. Lottie gave me a questioning look but I just ignored her.

Louis was behind me and had caught up with me when I was outside. I hesitated because I realised I don't have a car or a licence.

"Harry wait. I'm sorry okay. Just please come back" Louis called after me.

"No. I need some time away from you" I replied.

Lottie had come out of the house too and was watching the scene before her. I ran out onto the street, not seeing the car that was coming. The last thing I heard before I fell onto the hard ground and hit my head was Louis shouting 'Harry watch out!'. After that I blacked out.


Louis pov

Harry ran out onto the street. He didn't the car coming. "Harry watch out!" I shouted. I thought it was too late until I saw Lottie running and pushing him out of the way, getting hit instead. It all happened in slow motion and I couldn't comprehend what had happened for a few seconds.

I ran towards her. I held her in my arms and saw she was bleeding all over. I took out my phone and called the ambulance. Mum came outside and saw me holding Lottie. She ran to us and started crying when she saw her covered in blood.

The ambulance arrived ten minutes later and the paramedics carried Harry and Lottie inside. They only allowed one person inside and mum let that be me. I didn't realise I was crying. We arrived at the hospital and the paramedics took Harry and Lottie to some rooms but didn't let me inside. Mum arrived minutes later and asked me what happened. I explained to her and I started crying again when I realised that this was all my fault.

Forty five minutes later, the doctor came asking for the guardians of Lottie Tomlinson and Harry Styles. Me, mum and Harry's mum Anne stood up. She had arrived ten minutes after we did since I felt I had to tell her what happened.

"Hello. I'm Dr Hemsworth. I was the one taking care of these patients" he said.

We a nodded and he continued.

"I just want to say that I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" he asked.

"Good news first please" I replied.

"Alright. So the good news is that Harry was not injured. He just had a slight concussion but he will be fine. Lottie however had been badly injured when she got hit. The impact she had when she fell had cracked her skull which caused problems with her brain. I'm really sorry to say this and we tried everything we could to save her but unfortunately, Lottie has passed away"

I couldn't believe it. My little sister had passed away. Lottie is gone and it's all my fault. This can't be true. I felt tears sting my eyes and soon water was flowing out of my eyes.

"This can't be true. This must be a joke right" mum said her voice breaking.

"I'm afraid it is true Mrs Tomlinson. We tried our best" Dr Hemsworth replied.

"You tried your best. That's fucking bullshit! If you tried your best she'd still be alive right now!" I shouted.

"Louis" Anne placed a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

"Don't touch me Anne. The only reason you're so fucking calm is because your son is in that hospital room alive while my sister, the best human being to ever live and my best friend is dead. So please don't try and fucking comfort me because I didn't ask for your fucking pity"

"I'm just to help you Louis" she tried.

"I didn't ask for your fucking help or for anyone's help at all so please go pity someone else because I don't fucking need it alright"

I ran out of that hospital that smelt like fucking death and ran in a direction I wasn't even sure of. I eventually gave up and sat down in some forest. I broke down and let out all my tears. I couldn't hold them in any longer. I just lost my sister, my best friend, my ride or die and I guess she ended up being the one to die first.

A/N: I'm so so sorry for making Lottie die but it was either her or Harry and I didn't want that so I needed it to be someone else really close to Louis and you'll soon understand why. Please don't hate me because I hated writing this too. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though you probably hate me now.

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