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An: in this imagine the reader is best friends with Paul, I'm giving partial credit to mclennonlemonlover
Because they did something like that in one of their imagines and I'll feel bad if I don't give partial credit. But yeah this is with 80s Paul hence the picture and this was not a request but simply an idea I had 😀 Also no smut in this one. But if you think I should do a part two that is smut lmk in the comments!

Third-person POV

The year was 1984, you were hanging out at Pauls house because he asked you to come over to talk about something. You sat nervously on the sofa as Paul made the tea was there something wrong? Did I do something? I've ruined it haven't I? You were a nervous wreck thinking that Paul was going to end your friendship right there. You hoped not because not only was Paul a great friend, but you also had a huge crush on him. "Tea's ready, love" paul smiled as he walked over with two tea cups. "Here you are, love" Paul smiled and handed you your tea and watched you as you took a sip. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about Paul?" You asked as you took another sip of your tea. "Well..." He took a sip "there's something we need to talk about,love. Something serious and...this could change our friendship." And there it was, your heart slightly broke as you knew where this was going...or at least you thought you knew. "Paul I don't know what I did but whatever I did to upset you I'm sorry...please don't...don't end this friendship." Paul looked at you confused "darling I'm not ending our friendship, I'm telling you I know you have a crush on me." You leaned back and sighed in relief for a moment, then your eyes went wide as you just realized what he said "wait what?!" Paul chucked "oh yeah,love I know, you're mother told me" you glared and muttered "darn mother!" You blushed and couldn't make eye contact with him, completely embarrassed. "Y/n...darling look at me" but you didnt reply you just kept fidgetting and avoided eye contact. Paul scooted closer to you and gently lifted your chin up with his finger, you blushed as you look up at him. His face was kind, a beautiful smile resting on his lips. Paul took your hands "Y/n I'm glad you have a crush on me" you tilted your head "I-I don't understand." "Oh y/n you're so oblivious,darling I'm in love with you" you blushed deeply and couldn't find words. "I- y-you in love with me?" Paul smiled and massaged your hand with his thumb "I'm so in love with you, Y/n I just never told you because I didnt want to ruin our mean so much to me, love." You didnt know what to say, so Paul smiled and chuckled. Paul slowly and gently placed his hands on your face, gently caressing your cheeks. He leaned in and kissed you with so much love and passion, once he pulled away he rested his forehead on yours. You smiled and giggled as he pecked your lips"I love you y/n...will you be mine?" His gorgeous brown eyes sparkled. "Oh paulie...of course I'll be yours...and, I love you too" he smiled a toothy grin and kissed you once more. You two spent the rest of the day together, lots of kisses and love were exchanged between both lovers.

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