One Last Time Part 2

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Warning: smut. Yeah. Praising kink ig lol.

It was 1994. You were working as a waitress in a little diner in london. As you were cleaning off the tables you were watching on the tv Paul McCartneys mtv live performance. You smiled as the memories of you two came flooding back. That Fling you had in 82, best time of your life you always said when people asked. Not everyone believed you, but when they did, they sure listened well. Snapping back to reality your head looked up as you heard the bell ring when someone came through the door. "Just pick a seat I'll be with you in a minute" you quickly finished cleaning the table and walked over to the booth the man sat at. "Hi welcome to Macy's diner may I start you off with something to drink sir?" You looked up at the man and then froze. No can't be, now unless you're going crazy you thought to yourself, or Paul after all these years is sitting in front of you. "P-paul?" Paul looked up and his eyes widened "y/n...I...I didn't know you worked here..." You smiled and nodded "yeah...since 1983"  "year after our...little escapade" you giggled and smiled "yeah." "I'll have just a water and jam and toast darling." You smiled and blushed slightly, you know that its just a british person thing, but hearing him call you darling brought back the memories you've been suppressing. "Right away, Mr. McCartney" you walked off and went back to behind the counter to give the order. One of your coworkers noticed paul "isnt that paul Mccartney??" You nodded without saying a word. Jenny was your best friend as also your coworker, so she knew about the fling. "How are you honey?" "He called me darling..." "Its a british person thing" "yes but its paul..." "So maybe try to get his number to stay in touch." As you reached behind and grabbed his plate and got his water "No. I couldn't. He doesn't like me like that anymore it was a long time ago, He probably only remembers me because hes just a nice guy..." "Why cant you let yourself be happy y/n?" You glared at Jenny and then took paul his toast and water. "Here you are Sir" "thank you dear...and you can call me paul, y/n...its not like we don't know each oth-" "please let me know if you need anything else." You walked off quickly and took care of the other tables. 

As it was closing time you were completely tired and ready to go home. As you went to turn off the lights someone walked in. "I'm sorry but we're just closing up! We open at 6 tomorrow!" "I'm not here for food, I'm here for you y/n..." You stopped and froze when you saw Paul. "Paul... What are you-" "please I need to talk to you, do you think we could have some coffee?" You sighed and nodded after a moment of hesitation. You got the coffee and just left the pot on the table "so whats up?" You avoided his gaze. "Y/n look at me" again with hesitation you slowly looked up and met his eyes, they were kind and had some sort of sadness to them...a longing feeling. "Why are you just acting like what we had didn't happen?" "Why not? You did" "what?" "You left" "I had to" "no you didn' only had to because you don't know how to actually love someone and settle down!" You felt tears streaming down your cheeks. You wiped them and tried to speak "I mean not even a just- you can't the things you did to me and expect someone to not fall for you paul you just cant!" You wanted to slap him do something. "I'm sorry dear I...I wanted to stay I did...I was too stupid and caught up in the fame, but when I saw you today...y/ made me realize for the past 10 years I've been drop dead head over heels in love with you..." You looked at him shocked at his confession. "You-" "yes Y/n....that's why I'm here now. .I...I want to see if we could start back up what we had, but for real this time." Your tears soon started to become tears of joy, and you had a huge grin. "I'd love to paul...but if you leave me again its over ...." "I'm never leaving you again dear...I've longed for you...for so long."

After quickly driving to his place, your lips are attacking his as he tried to open the door. "Darling I have to open the door..." You whined and urged him to hurry, as soon as he opened the door and you were both in you quickly took off your coats and threw your stuff down. "Now come here you little minx..." You took a step and he pulled you closer by the waist and kissed you with passion. Your hands in his hair, and hands roaming down to your bum and sqeauzing it harshly. "I've missed your touch paul..." "Mmm...have you?" You nodded desperately. "No one can make me feel as good as you" "oh fuck love you're going to be the death of me if you keep talking like that" He moved his lips to your neck and started taking off your waitress uniform. "As sexy as you look in this I want to see all of you, look at me" he lifted your chin and stared into your eyes. "I love you paul..." "I love you too y/n I'm never leaving you again..." He kissed you softly and you unbuttoned his pants but he stopped you. "Let me take care of you tonight baby...please..." You nodded and gasped when he picked you up bridal style. Your uniform left on the floor. He laid you on his bed and even the bed was perfectly comfortable. "Paul I-" "shh..." He took off your bra and kissed your nipples, your moaning encouraging to go further. You moaned loudly as he latched his lips to one and took his time loving on each breast with his tongue. "Fuck I've missed these fucking for the grand finale" you giggled as he helped you pull your undies off. "Bloody hell look at you...soaking wet for me...I've missed this pussy so much" he leaned down and kissed your clit before reminding another talent with his tongue isnt just kissing. "Fuck! Yes paul! Yes!" You gripped the sheets as Paul was hiding under the blankets. You moved your hands to his hair and gently pulled. "Paul I'm going to cum!" He kept going and caressed your thighs as you screamed out your first orgasm. As he came up to kiss you, you started unbuttoning his shirt and taking off his pants. "Its time for you to show me your sexy body Paul McCartney" he smirked and hissed as your hand found his hard cock. "Does that feel good hmm? Did you miss my hands around your cock?" "Fuck yes I did...your hands are the best..." "Y'know what would feel better, your cock in me paul and if you don't fuck me now i'll do it myself" paul seemed to not like that and grabbed both of your hands pinning them above your head. He spread your legs and slowly pushed his cock inside you, your walls tightening around him and "oh baby...please fuck me" paul sighed as he started to thrust faster. "Not going to last..." Paul strained out. Your hands moved to his face and you pulled him in for a kiss, moaning into his mouth as your second orgasm passed through. Not too long after you, Paul came as well inside you. "I've missed this paul...I've missed you" "I've missed you too dear, I'm here I'm not leaving." After some aftercare you two fell asleep, the next morning you woke up and went to get up to leave "stay..." Paul groggily said as he grabbed your hand. "I have to work paul..." "Call in'" "I just ca-" "why not?" "Well...I could say I'm sick..." "Mhm..." You both grinned as you went to dial the phone in his room. "Yes hi" you said in a weak voice "this is y/f/n & y/l/n, Im sick wont be able to make it in today, ok thank you bye." You turned and smiled cheekily as you jumped into bed and climbed ontop him. He chuckled "so i guess you're all mine for today.?" You smiled and leaned down to kiss him. "Come with me" you looked at him "what?" "I leave in a week...come with me on the road" "paul-" "I'll take care of you, we can have a life together, I'll help you start a life of your own wherever we end up being...I cant lose you again y/n...I love you and I want you in my life." Tears were shwoing up again and paul wiped them away "oh paul...of course I'll come with you. I love you so much" "I love you too". You laid next to him, excited for this new life with paul coming ahead..."


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