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Warnings: smut 💅🏽🤭

Today was so dreadful. You were up all night doing your school science project. You always took your school work seriously, your parents worked hard and you wanted to make them proud, they're always so supportive but You're just the type of girl who wants what she wants and doesn't stop at anything. While in science class you were paying attention to the lecture when you suddenly felt something hit the back of your head, you looked around till you saw paul McCarthy  waving at you quietly. "Psst...y/n" you turned back to the front of the class and ignored him.
It was hard to focus in class because Paul was trying to get your attention the entire time.
As you walked out with your books in hand you suddenly slammed into someone coming at you. "Oh I'm sorry y/n! Let me help you" you looked up and rolled your eyes as paul makes eye contact with you, helping you pick up stuff. "Bloody hell Paul, What is it?! You've been bothering me all day". "I was just...I'm sorry I just was wondering if um you wanted to come over to my house sometimes and y'know, hang out." You stood there shocked, why was a teddy boy, let alone Paul McCartney asking to hang out with you. "Why?" "Why what darling?" "Why do you want to hand out with me? I'm just some square and you're a teddy..." Paul sighed and walked with you in the hall. "I think you're a nice, pretty bird...I want to get to know you more" You couldn't help but blush at his words. You thought about it and stopped at the entrance to your next class. "How do I know you're not just trying to use me...I've been through this before" paul smiled a genuine smile and chuckled. "I know I don't have the best reputation with girls, but trust me when I say I want to change that,I am honestly attracted to you, ever since I saw you at the local library looking at the poetry looked so beautiful just standing looking in awe at the works, Ever since then I've been dying to get to know you more." You smiled and as the bell rang you told paul you'd visit his home after you had supper, he gave you the address and off you both went with the rest of your day.

After school you excited skipped home and was anxious the entire time waiting for supper. When it was finally time of course rightfully so, your mom and dad had some questions. "How old is he?" "18"
"Is he a good person" "he's trying to get better" "trying?!" "Yes dad...he says he wants to change and genuinely get to know me." "Whatever happens, just use protection!" "Mother!" "Im not daft, y/n we know what kids are doing these days, might as well as accept and at least push safety." Dinner fortunately went by quickly. As you finished you set your dishes in the sink and turned to look at your mother. "Yes you may go, if you're taking anything-" "yes mother, Gotta go love you bye! Bye father!" You ran out the house and hopped on your bike peddling as fast as you could to Paulson house. Yes you were at first judgemental, but in actuality, you had a big crush on Paul. In fact you were in love with him. You've had so many thoughts of him kissing you, holding you, and making sweet love to you. Once you got to his house, you set your bike against the house and rang the doorbell. His dad opened the door and smiled "ah a nice girl, yes you must be here for paul, He's just upstairs come on in, be careful, He's practicing his guitar." 
You walked upstairs and knocked on his door. You smiled and blushed as paul opened it "o-oh! Y/n please come in, i was just playing my guitar." You took a seat on the bed and looked around. It felt like a nice comfy room and the bed felt cozy too. "Are you any good?" You quietly gestured to the guitar. "Hmm? Oh right um, would you like me to play something for you?" You nodded excitedly "oh that would be lovely!"
Paul picked up his guitar and played a short little tune. "Wow paul that was really should be in a band" "actually I kind of am!" "oh really?!""yeah we're called the beatles, im in it with a couple of lads, y'know John?" "Lennon?" "Yeah and George Harrison's in it too". You smiled and didn't think paul could get any cooler, but you were wrong. "You should come and see us play sometime..." He sat down next to you. You blushed "I'd love that..." "Id love to take you out on a proper date y/n...i really like you." "Oh paul...i like you too...really i do" Paul smiled and leaned in and kissed your lips. Humming against his lips you climb onto his lap and start kissing him more. "Y/n..." Paul moans as you kiss his neck and take off his shirt. "Y/n are you sure about this? You don't have to" you looked up at him as he stood and you went on your knees. "I've been wanting this for a very long time paul..." You smirked and undid his belt, taking his hard cock into his mouth. Paul hissed as you started to bob your head up and down. "Y/n...y/n..." Going faster you can tell he was close. "Stop!" You looked at him confused "I don't want to yet...not till I'm inside you." Paul walked over to his drawer and pulled out a condom
And put it on. You watched him confused again as he climbed onto the bed and laid down. "Come" he patted his lap "I've...never been on top before" "Do you want to try it? I always love it when they're on top." You stood up and bit your lip a bit nervous "hey you don't have to if you dont want to my dear" "no I want do I-". Paul.motioned you over and you walked over to the bed "climb up here..." You smiled and blushed as you took off your dress and climbed up over him, his cock brushing against your entrance. You gasped at the sudden feeling "blood fuckin hell you're stunning love...may I take this off?" He gestured to your bra and you nodded. Paul got it off in no time and stared in awe "you've got lovely tits darling..." You blushed and aligned his cock at your hole and slowly sunk down. "Oh wow..." You were not used to this angle and so you had to adjust. "Take your time darling..." With his hands on your hips you started rocking back n forth slowly. "Oh fuck...yes paul...yes..." Paul moaned and gripped harder onto your hips to help you move faster. "Just like that y/n, my god you're incredible..." You rode him as fast as you could, the feeling is so incredible it's undescribable. "Paul I'm going to cum..." "Me too baby...lets cum together..." Pauls hands links into yours as you rode out your orgasm. Making sure not to let his father hear downstairs, you bit your lip almost drawing blood to keep yourself from screaming. "Oh my god..." you panted as you fell onto his chest. Paul chuckled and kissed your head. "Are you ok y/n?" You smiled and kissed his lips "never better..."

An: ok i cant decide if this is good or shit.  so hopefully the first one.

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