chapter five

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After Rooster and maverick broke the 5000ft rule the day before, maverick had gotten in trouble. But somehow he had gotten allowance to teach them to fly low.

"Time is your greatest enemy." maverick stated

I was sitting next to Rooster with phoenix and Bob behind us.

"phase one of the mission will be a low level attack with two teams and a backup following the last team." the screen showed how this was supposed to be done. "you'll fly along this narrow canyon to your target. radar guided surface to air missiles defend the area. the same are lethal."

Zuzi looked around, finding that everyone was paying close attention.

"they were designed to protect the skies above, not the canyon below."

She heard Rooster speak from beside her. "that's because the enemy know no one is insane to try and fly below."

"that's exactly what i'm going to train you to do." She looked up at him wide eyed, making eye contact with him. There was still this connection or familiarity that she couldn't figure out.

Once they were released and told to get ready, she stormed out.

she knew that she had to calm down and as soon as she was in the air everything was on. She had to be focused.

She sat in the jet, trying to shake of the bad feeling she had.

This was dangerous and could end bad, but couldn't it always? That was the question she kept asking herself.

But as soon as she knew it, she was up in the air, again

This was difficult, she had gotten through the maze and had held bellow 100ft.

Now it was time for G-LOCK. It felt like a thousand elephants was crushing her body.

After what felt like an eternity, she was finally done.

And she was back at her desk.

Maverick stepped in front of the tv screen. "why are they dead?" he asked me, coyote, phoenix and bob.

phoenix decided to speak first. "the sam took us all out of planes out."

Panther spoke next "we were too slow." "i slowed down and didn't give them any warning, it's my fault." coyote spoke right after.

Zuzi had a pain in the ass head ache. She felt all the voices blur away as she sat fiddling with her sleeve.

Bradley looked over at her, oh was he in love.

They both lost focus when they heard hangman's cocky voice.

"i flew as fast as i could" he smirked and looked a bit at Zuzi "kinda like my life depended on it."

"and you put your team in danger and your wingman is dead." many agreed with rooster.

Just he's luck, he was next.

He was the only one who made it to the target, still maverick and him had to bicker like always. And holy fuck did it not help at all.

"it's no time to be thinking about the past." she once again heard hangman.

Rooster looked up "what's that supposed to mean." for gods sake.

"i can't be the only one who knows that maverick flew with his old man and that maverick was flying with him when his old man-"

Rooster jumped out of he's seat at a speed no one had seen before.

"everyone is dismissed"


Bradley sat on the sand in front of the bar. He didn't notice that Zuzi came sitting beside him.

"Hangman is an asshole, don't care about him." she tried to comfort him. She wasn't used to this.

Bradley didn't take it to well, still being in a bad mood.

"That's easy for you to say, it's not like maverick was there when your dad died." Zuzi stood there stunned.

Her eyes filled with tears but she refused to let them fall over some stupid fight with a stupid guy.

"you know what? I was trying to be nice but it's just impossible for you to except that!" now she was mad.

Zuzi stormed away to her car before he could say anything else.

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