Chapter No.6: Burning Your Mistakes

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I don't know whether Ink's sarcasm makes me want to get more syringes or be more sparing. As funny as it is, I need to teach my experiments a lesson, and their stupidity is absolutely a crime to the Cages of Exemption, otherwise known as a hospital basement, my hospital's basement. "Dear oh dear, you know how to push my buttons, and I have been made aware." I can't help laughing, maybe I am mad to make blood my paint, but it's my favorite pigment. My fingers trace the other 52 syringes, I look down to the other 16 on the floor, I take a rather large golden syringe and stab it directly through Ink's neck. Straight through the bell.
"You know Miss Pulse, if you were going to inject me with the pain amplifiers now, instead of the beginning of this ordeal, you should really go back to school." That little bitchs gives me the most arrogant grin if I've ever seen one. So arrogant in fact, I'm going to stab them with 24 syringes and blow them all up while the liquid is still drilling its way through. I grab the entirety of the color wheel and throw them at it like I'm using a bow and arrow. Archery was always a fun hobby according to some of the mortals I have met.
I access my volume control in my body's settings and amplify it to stage 7, I want to make this hurt more than anything could. How couldn't I hold in my smile from that? Ink will be none the wiser! That as well influences a giggle onto me. I deserve to treat myself anyway, all the captives are ungrateful, their holding is out of love, platonic obviously, I wouldn't kidnap a lover, that's just weird! Only friends do that, only friends do that, right? I let my music play a tune, all the viles shatter and the needles fall into now, gauging wounds.
This leads Book-Let in. "Tion! What did I say about blowing up the syringes? Do you know how expensive they are? Or how expensive it makes the captives?" 'He clearly is annoyed, great to know that it isn't about my health or anything like that. Who in Dread's gates cares about their captor anyway? You think the first person in the afterlife is someone to trust? And in Dread as well? I really am an idiot.' Good, they're learning, I'll have Book-Let add that to their file. Afterall, we should never waste the knowledge of destruction.
"Book-Let, you know it is research time, get out immediately and prepare me Ink's file. I ponder though, does he actually care about them or if bug actually decided to follow my instructions for once, he's always been one for funny little antics. Plus, money isn't a worry when you own a corporation. He loves to try and be smart though, probably as payback at the world for making him wear glasses. Not that I would understand, I never needed them, 'God would have healed me.' Whatever, I'm letting Book-Let distract me, and that is one of the last things I have time to deal with.
"Look Tion, I just had to come down here to tell you about some documents that someone leaked, your business as we know it is in hefty jeopardy." I finally look at him, I truly haven't hired someone who failed to keep the captives under strict blinds. Legal practitioners can't do anything though, Melchior was defeated by the Unknown Light a long time ago, even Val had to go into strict hiding. He was a major Angelic Guardian though so it didn't make sense.
"Book-Let, you're 6 months early for April, I checked those documents last night. Now explain to me why you were trying to lure me away from Mx.Bringe or I'll shoot their Profile with the syringe of decay right here and now. I tug out the syringe that popped through their neck, through the Bell and cut down to their last ribs.
"Go figure that you saw through my facade, I was here to barter for Ink's release." He rested up against the wall, his body language notions him as totally relaxed but I know better. I always know better. "What do you want with my experiment?" I gave him a low glare, I have already planned for this to happen. I noticed how in love he gets with people from simple validation, and he just lost Matrix too, my childhood best friend Matrix too, of all people. If anything, Book-Let should be nice that I am giving him a home out of the tree house he used to share with Matrix. But alas, that D.O.B decided to be a pester too.
"You know it already, and you know how I get about it." Book-Let picks himself up from the wall and makes his way to me. "Well, you are correct, I do know how you get. Maybe it's all the more reason why I want to torment you in this manner. And Ink, quiet your thoughts, they're sincerely obnoxious." Playing people into my hands is never a process I inherently enjoy, but it is necessary for the good of me, only me but I am a priority. If I chose not to be a nurse, so many would suffer due to my passion, so I need to turn my art into a different format. I should do what is in favor of me, that's the only thing I can do correctly.
And If I get my art insulted, they can be swept into my next masterpiece. I look at this pathetic, helpless demon in front of my eyes, and I must say I am getting increasingly more and more bored. I never asked Book-Let to make this multiplayer, and I am the ringleader of this circus. Anything that comes unasked for, must be punished or people will decide how it is okay to gain confidence. That is the opposite of okay. "Tion, if you would grant anyone grace, then you would understand the change in the charactour is uncalled for, you are uncalled for."
Book-Let thinks he is so smart, but he isn't, he is a pawn just like everyone else. "Like you could possibly ever understand what uncalled for even means. You fall 'in love' with anyone that grants you the slightest validation, even after your FIANCE dumped you, you managed to get a new attraction in less than a full moon!" That'll shut up that purple-William-Afton looking mother-fucking bitch. "I don't even understand who you are anymore Tion, I used to think I meant something to you, I'm sure that Ink almost did too, but I understand that pawns don't get priority."
Book-Let leaves the room, letting the metal door clink and clunk on his way out. It was about time he got the memo though, I tried friendship once, hell I tried love once as well, but when you see someone's true colors, you're useless once again. If I'm being honest, I couldn't care less about this at all. He ruined the atmosphere as well, I'll just stick in the other 28 syringes in and leave the other helpless demonic right here while I go ahead and make myself coffee. I almost regret giving Ink the mind serum because now they're loud as all hell in here. Almost is not a full regret though I'm afraid. Plot and Paper can check in with the rest of today's work in my absence.
'Left sitting in a blank room, full of shots and my thoughts, it's like I walked into a conversation I shouldn't have heard but I was left in a helpless state. A paralized state I was in. Some people would fawn over all the gossip they could spread from that. Yet, I hate it so much, it all piles up and grows unbearable. Tion appears to love and hate all of the chaos racked up in my brain. Perhaps it is a plan to force me into submission, to coerce me into her work environment.'
Can't say whether or not if Ink is right, this is all on impulse, but I'll just blame it on my personality. People will agree in fear, or perhaps the plot Ink just explained in their thoughts. It could be ridiculous but maybe there was a time I held captives out of abandonment, but it's more so now more than ever, a guilty pleasure of mine. Like stupid hobbys people pick up that could get them judged, anything to downplay the situations I create. Although, with all their stupid thoughts, I really need to relax with a nice coffee, and check in with how the patients are satisfied with the staff's care. This all reminds me of the business meeting I have with Lupine.Co.
Lupine.Co has proven to be a loyal patronage to me, maybe they should be my captives instead. Too much work for now, with some more employees we'll work our way up to that point. I already have had 3 escapees, only 2 full successes. 3:2 isn't a good ratio in that notice, the last thing I need is an audience with High Priestess Esther Angelline. That woman is more of a drag than Pisces and Quill combined. She'd throw me in Angelica: Alexandria's Redemption in an attempt to 'fix' me, she's too block headed to know that Demonics can't change either.
I have exited the chambers of Experiment XB, Paper has Ink tied up and is working at their wounds. Sadly, I can still hear the echoes of their thoughts. Must've made their MR Serum a bit too potent, it'll wear off in a few hours though. I'll edit the formula to change the ratio between oxytocin and glutamate in the chemical alteration segment. If that doesn't work, I'll enjoy the show. Ink appeared as gullible in my eyes as soon as we met, they'll be a nice toy for awhile. Oh my coffee is ready, I prefer it hot so I should go and grab that.
Paper clearly took out the syringes wrong, half of them broke in my skin and now my skin has to be cut open to fetch out the metal because they use it to make even newer syringes that they use for surgeries. This place was actually a hospital? I cannot believe how ridiculous Tion is, although she is most definitely going to go on a stabbing spree after hearing that though, I already no longer care. This most likely is not a good idea to think, or not a good idea to think at all.
Their thoughts are turning to the direction I am training for. A Demonic of their ranking could make a powerful accomplice. Maybe I can use my experiments as a way to turn them into my right-hand man. I couldn't ever trust them though, not a problem at all. I should head over to the chambers of Experiment XA. It is where I produce all of my serums, potions, hexes, and spells. I have got most of the supplies in it from Lupine.Co and Ryixa.Org, they have proven useful to me. Again, use does not equal trust. I have made loyal subjects of both upper segment employees and lower compartment subjects. Plot and Paper work in both sections of this building, most often in the lower compartment. My hospital does use enhanced technology.
Paper finally managed to pick out the metal clippings, and shattered glass. They distracted me with stupid jokes, they were a mortician when alive. He is very soft intone, it truly does relax me, which is helpful to the pain factor of being awake during being cut open. It would be helpful if he could just put me under anesthesia but they only do that for their paying clients. Apparently, anesthesia is under high demand currently. Thus it makes the material very expensive.
No, I do not believe her, I am sure that Tion just makes her use such a ridiculous excuse. I am not mad at her though, Paper is kind or at least makes herself appear as so. Perhaps befriending a worker of your captor is a good idea, perhaps not. Whatever will make this life less repetitive. I know between the scheduling that Tion will create and my general life, things will be growing more and more repetitive.
You couldn't ever get bored of the stabs and the struggle, it'll burn and scar your legs. The fires will lick the most painful parts of you, and you will smell the burning flesh. It decays, skin decays, and when water is pressed down the flaming sunset, you'll drown, you'll suffocate in water. Maybe you died from the burns, maybe you drowned, but you still died in the end. Anyways I hope someone likes that poem, it reached my thoughts while Paper had to cut me open. Again, if we could just use anesthesia this would be so much damn easier.
Again, Ink's thoughts do not shut up, this is one of the most annoying spells at times. Maybe I should have given them an elixir to knock them out, that would cause them less pain though. If only Book-Let wasn't throwing a fit, perhaps I could ask him for some advice, not that he would give me any. He's totally fawning over Ink, it sickens me. Especially when he knows that one of the only people I'm almost close to is the one he just got dumped by, If only he could find a new partner and get out of my facility. I'll make him sleep in Experiment XC, where all the captives sleep. Speaking of which, I need to get Kyomi to clean those sheets.
The meeting with Lupine.Co starts in an hour and I'm still dealing with Ink and their needs. My life is so troublesome, they'll learn to bend to my will, after all, I have done so much for them. Ink will stop being a thorn in my side for it. Forcing someone into learning how to love isn't bad if you never loved them back in the first place. They will grow attached to me, possessive of me, in love with me, and I will use it all against them.
My life is tough work after all, the least the little pest could do for me is learn how to suffer for it. I am a business woman, I am a nurse, most of all I am an artist, and I make others pay for it. Who else will, me? Heavens no, I am greater than the horde of drones, I will prove myself worthy of being the next ruler of Dread and no one, I mean no one, can complain otherwise. Like I have said before, anyone that insults my art can be my next masterpiece. They will be my next masterpiece, it's a great tactic to guarantee submission and fear after all.

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