Chapter No.20: A Poem's Dilemma

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"We finally reached the entrance of Voided-Oblivion. Venus takes my hands into hers and tugs me towards her into a gleeful hug. "We're here!" She cheers for the whole dimension to hear. "I think you have a real talent when it comes to stating the obvious." I chuckle in response sarcastically. "Thank you! I'll make note of that!" Poison, this girl has to be some sort

of poison because this feeling in my chest is something I only feel when I'm in desperation. Yet, I'm not sure why I'm desperate right now, so why am I aware of feeling this? "Come on guys, we gotta get going along now." Mercury shakes me out of my trance.
"Oh yeah let's go then, I'd hate to make Kelx wait any longer." I press my right palm on my forehead. "Agreed, come on then." Pisces adds as we all start racing to Kelx's throne room. My body aches from soreness but that's my problem I guess. It isn't like I can do much anyway. These thoughts are all so repetitive, I have a dry nauseating feeling scratching in the back of my throat. I'm not in Dread right now so maybe such a feeling is illogical, but still, this all feels so sickening, I can't stand this.."
"Kelx, Inklyn's thoughts read as normal, we can continue." I explain, he just nodded while still holding his throat-slitting glare. "At least one thing is on the right path, Sonnet, I told you how to act around Book Let, not what to say. How dare you tell him any sort of plans for him. Now I have to use a memory erasing spell, they're so exhausting too! Either go to your chambers and think about how you acted or be this spell's assistant." The pink haired deity spits, I really ticked him off this time didn't I?
"I'll go to my room, I'm not experienced enough to help you anyways." Guilt melts down my back like a buttery, milky sweat. "Good good, don't bother me now, I'll send down Winter Solstice when needed." He shoos me away with a flicker of his hand. I sigh and head off, my wings allowing me to glide to my room. Summer Solstice was waiting for me with a strange grin.

"Oh hey, what's up? You look excited." Pointing out the obvious is a good way to start a conversation, at least it is in my opinion.
"I guess I am." It's like he's just noticing that himself, oh well, he does this too often to recall all the times he has. Like usual, he was blasting Slipknot with his powers, it's all he ever seems to use them for despite being a major Gray-Area Species. "So then, why is that?" I ask, I don't think that big ol' Desert Kitsron was going to answer me if I wasn't straight forward as fuck. "Good question! Let me remember, oh right!" He paused, did he already forget to answer me?
"Right.. So tell me why already." I do that carry on hand motion people do in awkward situations. "Ohh you wanted me to tell you, I blew up all the pills in 1500 BC! It was so funny!" He cackles. "Again? You're lucky I took the 1 person Lord Kelx is grounding during this week's spot.." I crossed my arms at him with a tight fitted glare. "Bet~ I should give some more people heat stroke if that's really the case!" I should seriously stop letting this man know whenever I'm grounded, although, he'd end up getting in some sort of trouble either way.
"You know, Lord Kelx has been thinking about adding a second slot to that if you keep it up.." I threaten sinisterly. His smile faded as it was replaced with a firm grimace. How about that? "Well then, maybe I'll limit my antics, we don't want to upset his majesty afterall." Usually Summer wouldn't give such respect to an individual but Kelx has had quite the amount of trials to be granted Summer's obedience.
I tried asking Kelx what he did in those trials or at least for some tips but I had no avail in getting the deity to tell me. "I agree, now, you're wasting your magic on projecting Slipknot.." I put my previously crossed arms on my hips. "Okay, and what about it?" He retorts. Seriously, I

could really use some tips from Kelx right about now.. "If you have to do it, please take it somewhere else, it's loud and hurts my ears."
"It sucks to be you then, stop complaining though, I'm tired from blowing up those pills." He victimizes. "Might I remind you that you chose to blow up those pills." I state, crossing my arms again. "Still, isn't it a compliment I took time away from the seasons to see you?" That manic grin of his widens past the extent of impossible. He wants something from me. This isn't what he usually wants too, he's being too discrete.

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