Chapter No.16: Valorous Doe

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How fast was time racing when I was with Inklyn? I thought we were just talking about Sharp Point Demons! Now I'm waking up in the dead of night..? I mean now that I think about it, I do remember agreeing to neither of us sleeping on the floor because we can't sleep alone. Now I'm waking up under them? Do they move in their sleep or some shit? Whatever, I'm hearing noise out of this room right now and I'm going to check it out despite knowing too many urban legends telling me not to!
My hand rubbed my forehead tiredly, I definitely have a migraine. It might just be a hallucination but I feel off, something feels off. I hopped out of bed, carefully trying not to wake Inklyn up from their slumber. My legs ached, it had been awhile since they had a good rest, the hospital was always at max capacity even when Tion Pulse was eliminated. At least Book-Let lets me have breaks unlike she ever did.

Steadily, I cracked the door open, thank Esther that they oil out all the creaking of these planks! I shaked myself into focus as I made my way to the source of conversation, making sure no one saw me. A light seeped through a door overway, yet none of the others, the fact it was the middle of the night didn't help either. Soft murmurs were coming out from the inside of the room, barely legible murmurs as well.
"Crypt.. I wanted to tell you sooner you just were put into so much stress and-" A glass smashes to the ground and interrupts the speaker, whom of which is made out to be Stanza? "Another one of your excuses!  You think that you can just tell me that you've been eliminated to a defenseless state and I'll be all chill and good? Stanza, do you know how hard it is to cure this ailment? It only becomes more difficult with time! And it has been 5 years? Not to mention you have blue streaks! Those are immensely difficult to cure on their own as well!"
What were they talking about? I have been trained in all forms of healing magic and yet, this disease sounded nonexistent to me! Dread, I didn't know about any illnesses from Voided Oblivion, we were all told they were either extinct or a myth. Even that was if we weren't told Voided Oblivion doesn't exist. Finding Inklyn Q. Bringe, Sparix F. Mei, Stanza T. Mei, Quotation C. Mei,  and Apostrophe I. Mei, however, changed all of that.
"But you have to understand that I didn't choose for that to happen! I was under so much pressure just getting to this point, the last thing I need now is a screaming fest." I could see Stanza's tears from here, she looked so miserable. Crypt paused in his stance, clearly taken aback from her words. "Stanza- Stanza.. I'm sorry, I truly am. I think that I'm just scared, and because of that I am putting that on you. It's not an excuse in any way shape or form, but I'll still do my best to console you from this whole mess."

She walked over to Stanza, offering a hug before Stanza accepted it graciously. "It's okay Crypt, we're going to be okay. We should get to bed now though, we desperately need some rest." Crypt nodded in agreement with them and the two made their way out of the room and towards my directions, oh shit. "Theseus! What are you doing here? Especially so late as well!" Stanza asked, Crypt added the time remark.
"Apologies, you guys kind of woke me up and I wanted to know who/what was responsible for the act!" I awkwardly replied, hoping they would pay me no mind. The two luckily just shrugged me off, making their apologies and going back to the sleeping quarters. The room they were in was still dimly lit, shining the library into my interest. I never was that big into reading now that I think about it, well aside from manga but I heard that doesn't count to many.
My hands find themselves grabbing a book off of the creakiest shelf. "Hematite of Hue-Lake by Syte Eteric." The title echoes through my mind. The title makes me think that one of Esther's court had it made to worship the goddess even further, it wasn't like this book was small either, it sported a thick, blackish-brown cover and many layers of parchment paper. Furthermore, the cover was coated with dust, not to mention it was overall so dingy.
I attempt to open the book but it acts as if it were glued shut. Frustration grows as a consequence but I manage to calm myself. My hands ache as they continue to fail with each of my attempts to unseal this book. My mind wanders towards impulsivity, the urge to use my powers overbears me, though the consequences of acting on such wishes, stop me from continuing any further.

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