Chapter No.19: Altered Anguish

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Am I just a bad omen? Is that all I have been? Wherever I go I just make those I care about despise me. "Goodbye to you all then, hopefully I won't see you around anymore." Apostrophe glares, it is almost like she never liked us, or at least me, in the first place. It's my fault, if it weren't for me, Apostrophe wouldn't have decided to leave the others, I am such a burden to them all, I shouldn't have ever made them meet me, even if I couldn't have helped that.
Fuck fuck fuck! What did I do this time? What did I do? Aries Lotus just tried to eliminate me and I killed him in self-defense. I am such a burden to this after life.. I lost another person and

it is all my fault. How horrible do I have to be in order to lose all these people..? No wonder I'm a demon, the only thing I am good at is hurting people I care about, not even the ones I hate.
"Inklyn, please do not feel like this is your fault." A shadow emerges from the shadows, a person with long, silky black hair and vibrat, bright red eyes in a royal purple guard uniform meets with the voice. "Who are you? How do you know who I am? This isn't your business!" Defensiveness rises in me. "Slow your roll, I mean you no harm, I am Pisces Lupine, Demi-Deity of Voided-Oblivion, and business leader of Lupine.Co." Demi-Deity? I didn't even know that was a thing! Where were they when I was at Voided-Oblivion? Why hasn't Kelx ever mentioned them? How can I believe them..?
It is rare to have an elimination funeral in Dread, but Aries Lotus was of great social class. I'm unsure if these individuals around me despise me, perhaps they fear me for the power his 'death' had given me. I did not want these powers but alas, I was the fault for his end and unfortunately, his power became my responsibility because of it. The thing is, it only makes me feel more guilty! Most people eliminate others just because they want this, but I don't! I have never wanted this and I never will, yet people cannot accept that type of response. They just want to be able to turn me into their entertainment.
"Alright, I know what you are thinking, no I literally do, I'm originally a siren. Anywho, I understand your confusion. I am away most of the time because of my business duties. The reason why I am a demi-deity though is because I am the lover of Kelx Azen." Wait, WHAT? Kelx having a lover was what I least expected of him. "Okay okay, let my brain melt, I am way too tired for this." Pisces looked over to me a bit concerned, they rested their palm over my forehead, seemingly attempting to check my temperature.

I don't like this, it's like everyone around me left without even trying to stay. Yet, after this all, I know that is not true! Ugh, what is wrong with me? Is it this hard to not be stressed? In this damned world, I'd think I'd fit in with these other freaks as that is what I am. However, who knew I could be so wrong? Rain pours down from the clouds as I dress in an all black suit; the aroma of lavender and lemon balm fill the air around the grave. These herbs were to calm the spirit and wish it a peaceful next life. People usually don't care when one is eliminated but Aries Lotus was an individual of high financial status, why does that have to make all these people care?
"So then, now that this is all out of the way, how bout I have you meet my new friends? I sent them to stay with you for the time being." Pisces explains, I guess now that the Meis are disbanding, some company would be nice. "Go bring them in then, I'm heavily impatient." Hopefully I don't appear like a brat, I'm just stressed, but aren't we all right now? When in Dread, the Hell variant of this world, how could anyone ever not be stressed here? Ugh, I feel so dumb! This is dumb, everything is dumb. "Oh yeah, apologies. Mercury! Venus! Come on in!" Pisces yells as the sweet scent of rose petals and sugary delicacies surround the atmosphere.
Blop, bloop, blup. Drip, droop, drop. Shlup, shloop, shlop. Cloudy gray puff poffs stream down rain from the violent sky. Grass clumps full of muddy muck splatter against my soles; tears running down my face are the only source of heat around me. The popping of bubblegum brushes its way into earshot. "Hey, Book-Let was it? Heard ya eliminate Aries." A girl with silver-white hair and cyan blue highlight fade marches her way into view. "So, and? What about it?" I retort sarcastically, defensiveness seering into my back. "I'm glad, he was such an asshole. You did this

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