Chapter No.14: Haunting Pulses

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Even though everything appeared fine when we first met, the band and I weren't going to stay stable for long. They acknowledged all of what happened, unsure of how to act, be it that, that's not what untied any peace in this tide. It was something much more abstract, originally a demonic scar not healing properly is minimally dangerous. But thanks to fusing my blood with another, and drowning in holy water, I grew to a lethal state.
Demonic blood is evaporated from holy water, the water acts as a toxin. But thanks to my scar that was just barely healing, I was stuck with a huge scar of demonic blood. So my body wanted to get the 'evil' blood out of it, instead of evaporating it like the rest though. It started to undo itself, spilling out every last drop of what was left in the scar. It was small at first and I was distracted, so I thought it could only be a minor infection at worst. We were all so caught up in getting to know each other, catching up,
That we only found out once it was far too late. It was small at first, a little bleeding, a small chunk of flesh seeping out. Then I started vomiting, not your typical vomit either, large pieces of tissue fell onto the flooring. It was then that I was rushed to the hospital, begging them the whole time not to bring me there. We all knew Tion Pulse was dead, and that I committed the action. But I couldn't forget the rotting carpet, the longing of charred flesh stenched onto each little thread, like it was sewn that way.
The walls were covered in brown stains of oxidized blood scattered across the walls of rusted steel. Every small detail of that hospital terrified me, especially the idea that turning Tion to ashes wasn't enough to kill her. Not even that I wanted her to die, I loved her dearly, I just personally wanted to live. I had devoted my life to another long before, and Zereph had me killed just because I wouldn't date him.
It was his fault for not even being able to program a machine into loving him, such a stupid fucking idiot, he is. All my fear had reached its top version of itself when I saw the huge white hospital with its purple accents. But the blood, the gore, it all was collapsing. My life was collapsing if you could even call it that, I'm dead for Esther's grace! It's not even the fear at this point, it was my injuries, and they made me lose consciousness.
My throat felt clogged, it felt as if I was breathing through a tiny straw. My heart beat felt so fast yet so slow, a migraine rested on my forehead. I barely manage looking up, a blinding light burning my eyes. The lighting cools, I find my eyes locked in the gaze of another, one with the sharpest yellow eyes I've seen yet, and I didn't want to see him yet. Embarrassing, that is how it felt to be in care of someone who just rejected you.

I'm vulnerable, I am helpless, how could I possibly stop this all from happening? I didn't know any doctors, any nurses, and I didn't choose to have my throat slit then buried in holy water! It stinged, it burned, it ached! And now I can't tell if it was inevitable to have such a thing open up or if it was the holy water that activated this infection. Either way I'm stuck with purple-haired non-binary emo staring at me with so much worry that I'm the last person left to die.
"Ink! Ink Ink Ink, stay alive! Stay awake! I need you to be conscious in order to find the best course of action!" Book's voices sounded completely different than the last time we talked, everything about him was completely different. He was completely disheveled, a mess, completely and utterly unkempt. His hair was getting longer, peace no longer remained on his face, horns twisted, freckles a wreckage, spikes at all edges.
There was so much attention he gave me at this moment, attention I had been longing for. It made me feel guilty, ashamed. I wanted to get up, apologize! But I was unable to move, pinned to the bed so my body couldn't risk spilling out any more of its insides. Of all things, this paralyze made me think of Tion Pulse ten times over again. Those dreams of sleep paralysis where you were tormented, unable to move or close your eyes until you were awakened from death, had an uncanny similarity to being chained down. I wasn't able to keep myself conscious, blacking out in dire situations seems to be my best skill.
Everything is cold, why is it so cold? All surroundings are dark, the room I am in is full of muck, I feel it under my feet. I can't see, my ears are injured by the incoming sound of a door creaking open. My hands are stopped from rubbing my forehead by... rope? It was then I realized, I was tied down against such filth! But what could be the reason for such a predicament? Footsteps, like ones you hear from muddy water, they follow down a staircase, I can hear it haunting its way down.
A light flicks on, so suddenly that I am blinded. Purple hair follows my vision, Book Let? What is this.. I thought I was in a hospital.? The person turns around..-Tion! Tion? But She's dead. I killed her! Her red eyes haunt me, green highlights glowed through her hair, her big bat ears and wings send shivers down my spine. Tion Pulse's dress, why does it appear to be made of my.. Blood? Reds, pinks, oranges, yellows, and purple hues mixture in an everlasting sunset, decay acts as a stitch lining.
They made their way towards me, syringes I didn't miss were in her hands. She jolts towards me, seething with rage. Panic swells completely in my vision, tears peek at the creases of my eyes. It was almost as if she were running at me in slow motion, my arms desperately trying to break the rope that binds them. I feel nauseous, I feel sick, I feel terrified, and I can't do anything about any of it. She finally reaches me, my wrists completely scraped and scratched from the rope. Her hands find my shoulders, digging into them and ripping out chunks of flesh.
The same colors of her dress fall, puddling around and making a pool of blood down my body. My body tries to scream, no avail, I can't move. She jabs me with syringes over and over again, the pain keeping me conscious with each new faint. I feel overwhelmingly hot, overwhelmingly cold. I can't understand any of this yet I understand all of this. She precedes towards my scar but before anything happens I wake up.
I gasp loudly, air flooding my lungs, Book-Let and a few others were looking at me, full of concern. "Ink thank the gods you're awake! You've been out for a few days now!" He jumps to hug me and does so tightly, "You had me so worried you little shit!" He ruffled my hair, my embarrassed face turning red. "Ugh! Book Let! You're embarrassing me!" I yelled, covering my face with my hands. A blonde doctor with violet eyes looked over me with high curiosity, she walked over towards me slowly.
"You must be Inklyn Q Bringe! Book-Let has told me a lot about you, I'm Theseus Claudius and I'm your nurse!" They said with a shining glow. They were gorgeous, hair of the sun, eyes of the galaxy, and horns of the most elegant deer. "It's nice to meet you Theseus, hopefully Book isn't saying any bad things about me!" I laugh nervously, seriously why am I so awkward around new people?
Theseus sits at my bedrest, looking at me with a genuine smile and soft expression. "You're adorable Bringe! Don't worry, you get more praise than any of us for sure!" My heart flutters lightly with the comment. It's so similar to Mania, I can't tell, what if I did like her? Geez all three people look nothing alike, Book, Theseus, Mania, all of them. I don't get it, is everyone this bad at love? Or is it just me?
"You flatter me Mx. Claudius really! I'm utterly charmed, I do believe it would be an honor to register your contact information?" I ask, trying my best to not sound like a creep. Who knew what clothing the wolf wore to blend in with the sheep. "Oh of course!" They reached their hand out, I grasped it, the data registered on my profile.
"Ink, I am truly glad you're here to stay, and I would love to as well, but running a medical group and a hospital leaves me a very busy man so if I could, I'll take my leave." Book left in that instance, Theseus seemed confused but they were probably just tired, or I read too far into this. Either or were equally plausible. "I'll still be around to check your vitals and make sure your conditions are stable, Book wants you to have a personal nurse."
"Ah, it is a nice offer, what made him choose you anyway?" I propose. Theseus stared at me with embarrassment, did I ask a strange question? "It was because he said we're alike in many ways. As such, it would grant you the most comfort." They explained, clearly worried about how I would judge their response. Nothing seemed weird after all that has happened here now though.

"It was a dark turn when the sky turned red, the clouds turned purple, and the air was coated in a large, chalky, black fog. Many had been just moments before, dreaming peacefully, losing breath, drowning, bleeding, crashing, exploding! So to see this, they thought they were all cursed with an eternal drift, an eternity of fire and somber. They called it Engulfing End, and it was an anarchy, full of bloodshed and fear. Until a maiden appeared, the colors of what the world had marked her skin. Hair of red, chalky eyes, and purple jewelry.
She looked human, but still dead, no one understood the words she would have said. Her body was powerless, and she had no way to read the books in the library. All of it was a nightmare, one so dreaded and scary. Until she came across a necklace, one enchanted blue and shaped as a diamond, she slipped it on as it was engraved in her skin. Her eyes turned pale blue instead of black, she grew giant silk white wings on her back. A halo dressed in yellow sat upon her head, she blew all the darkness away with a flap of her wings.
The afterlife grew from there, all species roaring in adoration prayed to her for a queen. She credited herself and only herself but no one would shame it. They built her castles and lands that only imaginations of the top level could muster. It was all because she promised them a land of luxury and blessings, and an eternity of ease. Meanwhile, she had done nothing, lousing around and bossing around all of her subjects. Those actions made some grow skeptical of the goddess's promises, but she had chosen to scare those cynical.
The ones of her chosen, would be taken to public courts, brutally tortured in front of all of the 'creatures' who dared disobedience. Some tried to grow distant from the deity because of this court case, but fear longed too strongly to allow this to happen. So the red-haired goddess sat around doing nothing, all the while her 'workers' slaved away, for reasons no one could understand. To grow a utopia? Or to feed into the ego of their Goddess?
It was said how it would be worth it and that heaven would come to them all, for eternity. But illusions come the most to those the most desperate. The time came that all the wishes and kingdoms that she wanted were granted, they came back to the goddess, all asking for their payments. She analyzed them all and kept those who were most loyal, she sent the rest to an island of vast hell with the least loyal to her, becoming the lord of demons. The citizens were furious but said nothing, she did no work. All she did was create a facade, a facade that they all knew of but were too far in fear to argue with the unfairness.
They set up courts, set up treaties, found contracts, laws, constitutions, and articles of law. It was the dawn of a new era, and it was their goddess that grew to destined a curse. This curse was placed by the Demonics, most furious from their goddess, a curse that destined her to be slain by a person with lavender eyes and snow-colored hair. Molten wings, curved cracked horns, and pale skin as sensitive as flower petals. Their name was even embroidered into the curse, the initials were all that the goddess could uncover though. "S.E" engraved in the spell of the hex. The goddess didn't believe this though, in fact she viewed it as a war request.
She raised a flag, one that was agreed to be the heaven flag of war, one that was colored crimson and highlighted with gold. Dark red was drenched in the silk, marks of gold settled a large, H. No one had a clue what the H was to stand for, nor did they have a clue on why the goddess would ever start a war with the opposing land. But thanks to the deity that the hell was given, the people were willing to fight this war, even though their deity put up a flag of surrender as soon as he was made aware. People were shocked and furious from this behavior but the man quaked in his boots, he was terrified by his meetings with the goddess. He used to be the most disobedient and now he was the most loyal to this woman, more loyal than her own court. This made rumors grow in hell, they looked to the bible of the mortal world.
They looked towards all variants of the bible, taking the shreds of information and twisting it to theories and rumors of the land. These testaments were studied in secret, forbidden to be caught looking at such a reading. It was thought that such disobedience to the goddess never existed, that he was the most loyal to ever exist, and he would continue to have that title. But Melchior Banaii soon grew less oblivious to Esther Angelline."

-From The Manuscripts of Kelx Azen, Voided-Oblivion HQ.

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