The Panic Stops The Power

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"Hey. Hey." One tried to get Four's attention as they walked together down the hall; eventually taking her arm and steering her aside into a private alcove. Four moodily shrugged him off. "You did good. I mean it."

Four huffed, crossing her arms.

"Come on now, don't get caught up in your feelings. It's passed."

"It didn't work, why wasn't it working?" Four exploded.

He rubbed her shoulders, bending to try and meet her reluctant gaze. "It's the panic. You need to keep a clear head. You must not panic. The panic stops the power."

"The panic... stops the power." Four repeated slowly.

"Exactly." His intense blue eyes held her grey ones. "Look. Sometimes... it helps, when you feel your control slipping, to really just... focus on one strong memory. Something that makes you sad, but also angry. Do you maybe have anything like that?"

Four thought about it for a long moment. Then shook her head. "...No."

He cocked his head humourously. "No?"

Four shrugged. "Everyone's always kind of just... done what I want."

He laughed then. "Why don't you think on it?" His expression grew serious. "Because, ultimately, it's not about what you want; it's if you can't do what Papa wants, you're going to wind up in trouble."

Four snorted, peeling herself from the wall as they began to head back down the corridor. "Oh, please. Up until Papa figures out how to replicate me, I am irreplaceable. I can do whatever I want." She smiled cheekily, taking his hand as she did and towing him with her down the hall towards the Rainbow room; humming as she went the tune to a little french lullaby.

A/N: I think... this might be my favourite chapter so far. Wow. Well done me!
Anyway, please if you're here, leave a like and a comment! Tell me what you're enjoying about the story so far! I love to hear (read?) from you all, it keeps me going. Thank you for getting this far!

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