In The Upside-down

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The light in the Upside-down was strange– cold and harsh, it sapped all colour. Strange particles drifted through the otherwise-still air. Bonnie blinked against the light; her eyes adjusting, she turned slowly, taking in her new surroundings.

The world around was bleak and barren; a mirror of Hawkins, but seemingly devoid of all life, apart from the thick, black vines that covered everything. The sky above was dark and ominous, clouds low and heavy, like it was brewing for a storm.

It was, in its own way, Bonnie thought, quite beautiful. There was something about its stark hollowness; an ending, and a beginning, a slate wiped clean, a blank canvas waiting to be drawn upon; desolation and destruction, and potential. There was something, raw and unyielding, Bonnie could feel like an almost tangible energy.

She dared one step forward, then another, hypnotised by this surreal new world. The cold seeped into her bones; the shadows licking curiously across her pale skin.

"Hey! Bon!" Steve's shout cut through her reverie, drawing Bonnie back to herself. Shaking off her distraction, Bonnie turned, striding towards him and Nancy, rolling up her sleeves above her elbows as she did, her suit, grey on her side of the gate, now washed over in a dulling grey.

Nancy was still in the grip of whatever had come over her, eyes rolled back in her head, eyelids flicking, frozen rigid in place.

"Right," Bonnie spoke as she yanked on her cuff. "I've only done this a few times– last time was on a friend, who was rather out of it when I did. But let's see if it works." She gave a shrug, "Here goes nothing." And stepped in close, raising her hand, claw-like, to Nancy's brow. "Come on, Nancy. Let's see who's in your head."

A/N: Aaaaaahhh! We're so close! So close! XD Please, like and comment your thoughts!

Also, question of the chapter: Since it was Halloween last week, what Halloween costume do you think Bonnie would wear? (You can suggest more than one– you just know she's been to multiple Halloween parties over the years. It's likely her favourite holiday XD)

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