Discordant Notes

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Letting go of the pendulum, Bonnie rose from her place before the clock and turned down the hall.

And then the music started.

The sound of an electric guitar broke through the walls and Bonnie staggered as the whole world seemed to tip. What was going on? The music pounded in her head, distorted and otherworldly, as the corridor twisted before her. Then the walls began to crumble; hands over her ears, Bonnie felt disturbingly weightless as the floor shook beneath her feet, furniture dissolving away.

In a desperate push, she rushed for the stairs, but the bannister shattered in her hand, the steps breaking apart like floating islands in magma as an unearthly light pierced through the cracks of her surroundings. Bonnie pitched backwards as the whole floor rolled like a wave, tilting forward as if being sucked down into a black hole. She scrabbled at the floorboards for purchase; throwing herself forward, she managed to cling onto the door, flattening herself against it with all her might. Above, the roof ripped away, spinning off as if in a whirlwind.

Over the sounds of heavy metal, Bonnie screamed; something that could have been Henry's name, or could have been nothing at all. It was as if the whole world was trying to unroot her, to force her out, out of this place where she did not belong. An opening yawned behind her in the centre of this vortex, but Bonnie refused to look at it, to acknowledge; instead hiding her face in her arm. The ground was disintegrating, nothingness stretching out towards her.

Nearby, there was the sound of cracking glass.

A great, spiderweb fracture spread across the stained glass window. Bonnie eyed the lines across the rose warily, the break millimeters from her own face. Then all at once, it shattered.

Bonnie lurched back to avoid the splinters of broken glass. Her hands closed around air. Suddenly, she was falling, like Alice down the rabbit hole- untethered, into oblivion.

-Bonnie sat up in bed.


A/N: Hey, they only said you had to have an emotional connection to the music, they did not say you had to like it. (That's my logic and I'm sticking to it! Ngl, Bonnie seems like the kind of person where loathing would be a much more driving force. XD)

Also... I'm sorry. It had to end sometime. I promise you, the next leg of the story will be so good!

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