The Dollhouse

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Bonnie woke up once again in the bed. It was all there- the room, the wardrobe, the dress; the dressing table in the corner, the window with the curtains drawn tightly shut.

Rising from the bed, Bonnie stopped by the window. Did those curtains ever open? A strange, witching-hour light seemed to trickle from under the fabric. Bonnie's hand twitched towards it; but inexplicably, she drew away.

Bonnie walked over to the dress and removed it from the hanger. Oh. This was... different. Slipping behind the dressing screen, she put it on. This was more like something she would actually wear; it had a pencil skirt and elegantly tailored jacket, edged with fine lace.
She still did not understand the white. There was something... innocent about it, something pure, like trying to create an illusion of goodness, something virginal.

Now that was a thought. Bonnie stifled a giggle. Well, it was unlikely he had, wasn't it? The only chance he'd likely really had was in the lab, and the only person it would have been with then was her, and she certainly hadn't. Was that what this was about?

Feelings. Complex feelings. Bonnie specialised in feelings.

She could play this game. Poor boy didn't know what he had signed up for.

With a last glance in her dressing table mirror, Bonnie smoothed down her skirt. Harmful indeed. Confident, she turned and walked towards the door; hurrying down the stairs and towards the lower-floor room. "Good morning!" She chimed as she stepped inside. Coming up to a somewhat-confused looking Henry, she threw her arms around his middle, hugging him with her head on his chest. "What's for breakfast?" She asked cheerily, looking up at him.

When it came distinctly clear he had swallowed his tongue, she drew away, giving a little twirl. "Do you like the dress? I think it's great. Although the next one should probably have some colour." With a dazzling smile and a flick of her long hair, she strode towards the dining room, beckoning for him to follow.

A/N: Bonnie, just because you think you've got the upper hand still doesn't mean you should trust the breakfast! XD

Guess who's back, back again, guess who's back, tell a friend! (No, seriously, tell a friend. Spread the word- I'm worried I've lost some of my audience over this break XD) Thanks for bearing with me, between Christmas and getting sick, this chapter has taken a while.

Anyway, how was all your Christmases? Hope you all had a great time!

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