Chapter 22: Set Sail!

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The current situation has everyone waiting at the docks in which the Pirate Trio seem to often dock by. This is the final stretch, Starr Park's wrongdoings will soon be eradicated.

"Hmmm... Did Cil see anything?" Buzz asks Otis who briefly sent out Cil to check around the area. Otis negatively responds, shaking his head. "Ah, I see." Rosa also stands by the edge where the sea and land meet, adjusting her glasses "Even with 20/20 vision, I don't seem to see them nearby..." She says. "Heh, I told you guys, we'd be waiting awhile, I'm a master at this game!"

Belle does a mini celebration at the place she's at, patting herself on the shoulder. Tara speaks up with her murmurs. "Uhhhm..." Belle says, unsure. "She's just talking about how you used her and Edgar to help rob a bank that one time." Sandy translates her words. "Yep, I definitely remember that." Edgar joins in. "Look, guys, that's behind me now!" Belle exclaims.

"Anyway, how long do you think we'll be waiting anyway?" Edgar asks, sitting next to Belle since his legs are getting tired. Tara quickly does a prediction on the spot to see how much waiting time is left. As she is about to finish "Look! Over there!" Jessie yells out, pointing to the foggy horizon. Everyone groups up to the edge, watching a large ship slowly emerge from the fog.

"Land, Ho!" A sound is heard from the ship "Drop the Anchor! Hoist the sails!" Another voice is heard "Of course, Captain!" Lots of running around is heard as they end up landing their ship. The 3 brawlers jump down from the ship on the dock "Ahoy, mateys!" The supposed Captain greets the massive group. "Hi, Darryl!!" Colette jumps up in excitement and as a way to say 'hi'.

"What are YOU even doing here?" another of the Trio exclaims. "Penny, let's not... Be rude without reason..." Darryl scratches the back of his head. "But, why ARE you here?" "We'll explain on the way, let's just get to the point." Colt steps up "We need to borrow your ship." The Trio visually gasp in shock "That was probably a far-fetched question for them..." Shelly tells Colt.

"Guys, stay clam. We just need to ask questions back." Darryl tries to consul the rest of his trio. "Why do you need the ship anyway?" Darryl asks "We'll explain once we're out at sea... Just let us on." Tick starts blathering in defense "Y'all, we mean no harm, plus, from what I heard, this is for your own good." Belle steps in to try and help convince the trio. "Still a no from me!" Darryl says.

"Have you not heard the latest news?" Lola interrupts to asks the 3. "Of course!" Penny exclaims "NOT! We were obviously out for treasure!" "That's true. We don't have means of online communication out at sea." Darryl says. "Aren't you a robot though? The other robots were able to get the news through their algorithm." Pam asks "Well, I'm built different!" Darryl responds.

"Built like a pirate!" He says, striking a pose. Some of the brawlers group together and whisper at each other. "Oh, what if we said there's treasure at the destination we want to go to?" Colette raises an eyebrow. The trio look at the large group. "Well, why didn't you say so!?" Penny exclaims in excitement. "Hop on board, mateys!" Darryl hops onto the ship and preps the area.

And just like that, they were on board, ready to continue this quest! "Thanks a ton for the drinks, Barley!" Darryl happily drinks away. "It's no problem, y'know." Barley responds. Tick blathers, trying to ask a smaller group on where they want to go. "Uhhm... I don't understand you..." EMZ responds. Gene, who was nearby, steps in and tries to start a conversation with Tick.

The two seem to be able to understand each other, soon enough, Tick heads off. "How'd you do that?" Mortis asks Gene, he blabbers in response. "Right..." Mortis pretends to understand. Tick heads to Colt and tries to ask him where to go next. "Hmmm..." Colt starts thinking. "Help me out here, Brock!" He whispers "Dude, I have no idea what to do either!" He whispers back.

Rico overhears this and starts to talk with Tick. "Oh, looks like he's on the case!" Brock notices Rico. Soon enough, Tick and Rico walk over to Darryl. Rico seems to understand Tick, it may be because he's a robot and is able to use technology to translate his words. They strike a conversation with Darryl, who is holding a drink at the wheel. After a bit, Darryl stops in shock.

"THEY WHAT?!" Darryl asks, utterly shocked. "Darryl! You good?" Brock asks, running over to him alongside Colt "No wonder you guys were so desperate!" Darryl tells the two "Did Tick and Rico tell you about Starr Park?" Colt asks "WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE?!" "Woah! Chill!" Brock flinches back as Darryl sighs. "Sorry, that just caught me really off guard." He continues steering.

"I mean, most of us were pretty shocked about the information too." Brock says. "Look, you 4 can go now, I'm here steering the boat." Darryl explains, he seems to want to focus on navigating the boat. "Yeah, sure, we'll go." Colt steps away. "Ugh, it's getting a lot more foggy out here!" Crow, who's on the crow's nest with the rest of his trio, exclaims. "I know!" Darryl heard them.

Mr. P starts rummaging his suit case and pulls out a flashlight. "I know you want to help, but I don't think that'll much of impact." Gale tries to tell him, but immediately gets shut by Mr. P. While all of this is happening, the waves gradually get stronger, and harder to traverse through. "Woah!" Bonnie nearly planks onto her face "Watch out, there!" Janet catches her just in time.

The retropolis trio climb down the crow's nest. "The waves are getting a lot more violent!" Bibi exclaims. Everyone starts to hold onto something on the ship. "Not again!" Penny exclaims, looking into the water by the edge of the ship "Tick! Load the Canons! Darryl! Keep the ship as steady as possible!" Penny orders the two "On it!" Darryl shouts back, Tick starts blathering.

"Do you know what's going on?!" Shelly asks Penny "Of course! We've traversed these seas many times before." As Tick finishes loading the final canon, something starts emerging from the waters. "Everyone! Prepare for battle!" Penny yells out.

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