Chapter 10: Hotel Up-top

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Team Recap! We have Edgar, Colette, Jessie, Pam, Mortis, EMZ, The Western, Mystic, Old Town, Super Hero, Retropolis, and Arcade Trios!

"How tiring!" Piper complains. Sure, it has been a long hike but it can't be THAT bad. "It's 3.4 kilometers from the arcade to Snowtel." Max says "We've walked for 2.7 kilometers, which means there's still around 700 meters left!" She announces, looking at the hologram coming for her wrist. "Ugh, I'm sooo tired." Sandy groans.

"Sandy, why don't you have a drink?" Barley offers Sandy a bottle. Tara starts to mumble "She's asking if there's alcohol content. I'm not of age." Sandy translates, "Oh, no, of course not. It's sweet and can energize you in a few sips!" Barley replies. "Haha! Why don't you just drink some of my juice?" Surge joins in, shooting Sandy with it. "Ow! Surge! Your attack IS the juice!"

"Whoops. Sorry, I thought we were out of battle." Surge apologizes, laughing after that. "Why don't we take a break? The view from up here is amazing!" EMZ suggests. "I don't see why not, I see the road to Snowtel." Colt answers "Well, we have 692 meters left so I think it won't hinder us too much." Max says. "Say no more!" Barley joins in, setting up a nearby picnic table for the group.

He prepares a variety of drinks and some hot chocolate for the cold environment. "No alcohol! We'll still be traveling, and that'd be dangerous." He says, everyone gathers around and grabs a drink. "Whooo, this hot chocolate feels good to drink after walking in such harsh conditions." Brock says, blowing on his drink to cool it down a bit. "Mmmmm! It's so yummy!" Jessie exclaims.

Everyone enjoys the drinks and chat around. After cleaning up after themselves, they continue to head to the Snowtel. "420 meters left." Max exclaims "We're almost there I think!" Max continues, after that, they encounter someone ,most likely a worker for the Snowtel, blowing out the snow from the paths. "Hello, Gale!" Colette walks up to him.

"Oh, 'ello, there. Watch your step!" He greets Colette. "The paths are extra slippery today! I'm just cleaning them out for everyone's safety." "Yes, that's very nice of you, but why are you 420 meters away from the Hotel itself?" Max starts her question. "We've noticed a big decline of guests this month, we don't know why, but we're trying everything possible." Gale answers.

"Maybe the roads and paths need a bit of clean up because it was getting harder for people to walk or drive." Gale continues to blow the snow from the paths. "Should we tell him?" EMZ whispers to Max. "I am not sure." Max replies, whispering back "Just tell him we need to meet the boss, Mr. P." Colt joins in. Max clears her throat. "Gale, after your work is done, could you take us to Mr. P?"

"Mr. P? Well, of course I can take y'all to him. Are you going to be checking in?" Gale asks. "Not exactly... But we'll explain once we reach there!" Colt exclaims "Alright, then. You kids and your secrets. Let's get going." Gale packs up his equipment and leads them to the hotel. "Is there any special business collaborations you want to schedule? Any sponsorships?" Gale asks while walking.

"Yeah, about that." Colt starts "Yeah, yeah. We've kinda been discussing this whole schtick. Yadda, yadda, yadda." Brock joins in "Anyone know how to summarize the thing quick?" He asks the whole gang. Meg raises her hand "And basically, there's a solid theory that an alternative version of ourselves exist outside of this universe, but this universe is only a made up one by this thing called Starr Park, and now we're all trying to get back the the 'original' universe." She exclaims.

Gale turns to the gang with a face of both confusion and interest. "On top of that, every robot here is apparently only here to serve the park, but these ones got this 'brawler' treatment. It's really complex for an old man like you." Meg continues. "Ooh! Ooh! The reason why we're heading to the Snowtel is because there was a clue that the solution to this is located there!" Colette joins in and adds.

Gale is left in silence, trying to piece together all the information he was given. He sighs "I'm too old for all of this rambling, I might need it in the long form." "Hey, I'm old. I could understand all of that." Byron calls out. "Hahah, okay that's enough. We're here!" Gale exclaims. The two slides coming out of the sides are the thing that most stands out, yet the overall exterior is an eye catcher to anyone passing by.

"Hi! Oh! Hey there!" A voice is heard "Gale! Have you found us some customers?" He says "I'm not too sure myself, Lou! They're here for some... Complex reasons." Gale responds. "Oh, well... Why don't you get some snow cones? We have a new flavour, Kiwi Kiss! It's sweet and tart! Interested?" Lou says, shaving some ice in himself. "Mom! I wanna try it!" Jessie says, facing Pam while tugging on her shirt.

"Can I, uhm... Get some too? But a different flavor, maybe Raspberry Crush?" Sandy says "Well, you promise you wouldn't put it to waste?" Pam asks "Yes! I promise!" Jessie replies "I see! Some snow cones for the two kids!" Lou says, pulling out his flavor sauces. "Any one else want one?" Some other members from the group approach Lou to order snow cones.

After some time, everyone receives the snow cones they ordered "Okay! Now where's Mr. P?" Colt asks, looking around the area "I don't know, man! I think I got a brain freeze!" Brock comes up to Colt, his snow cone all gone. The door suddenly opens and a porter exits the main building. "What's that doing there?" Brock asks. All of a sudden, Mr. P comes running out of the door, babbling louder than usual.

"Mr. P!" Lou exclaims, surprised. Tara starts to mumble after Mr. P, Gene joins in soon after. The 3 sound like they are in a proper human conversation just in inaudible words. "Don't worry, they're just explaining this whole thing to Mr. P and the reason we're here." Sandy explains what Tara and Gene are doing "Yes, yes. Mr. P is responding to their claims." Gale says.

After a couple of murmurs here and there, Mr. P lets everyone in the hotel. The interior is much more surprising than the exterior, pretty decorations, everything is organized neatly and the place is spotless. "I can almost see my own reflection from the walls!" Brock points out, staring at it." Colt stares at it, too, trying to fix his hair "Haha! Nice look there!" "Now, everyone, try not to get the place dirty to the best of your ability." Gale says as they enter.

"I'm not sure what we're looking for here but this place is lit!" Brock says. "Any suspicious behavior going on recently?" Sandy asks Gale "I've told you that we had a decline of guests than usual, not sure if that can tie in to all of this." Sandy takes a second to think "Maaaaaxx?? Can we count on looking for VHS tapes again?" He asks, facing to Max.

"Probably not, we've moved to hints given from the person behind most of this." Max starts her claim "Thinking about it, why would they even expose themselves like this even if the answers are so subtle?" She puts her hand on her chin. "Let's just split up again, like we did at the arcade." Mortis exclaims "This place is very big, and any one of the rooms could have what we need!" "Mortis! That gives me an idea!" Bibi says, approaching Gale.

"Which rooms are currently occupied right now?" She asks him "Well, that's Mr. P's job to keep track of the rooms." Gale responds. Gene approaches Mr. P, they start a conversation. "Gene! You know what we're looking for right?" Bibi asks Gene "Don't worry, he's asking your exact question." After some time, Gene turns to Sandy and talks to him. "Rooms 420, 169 and 301." Sandy translates Gene's words.

"Awesome! Thanks, Gene!" Bibi thanks him, Gene happily replies, even if inaudible. "Alright, everyone!" Bibi starts a loud announcement "Just like in the arcade, let's split up and investigate those rooms!" "Are you crazy??" Lou exclaims "You can't barge into random people's rooms like that!" "Yeah, Lou's right." Surge joins in. "I'm afraid most of us are probably going to pass." Colt adds.

"Well, fine!" Bibi turns around and walks to the elevator. Crow and Bull follow along later. "So.. Are they actually going to those rooms?" Brock asks "Well, they did go over to the elevators." Gale responds "Oh, no!" Lou exclaims, "They are definitely heading there!" "We have to stop them." Gale adds. Mr. P starts running over to the elevators, Gale and Lou follow behind.

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