𝗪𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗧𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿

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Author: creelhousesteve

Tags and Warnings: No Warnings, Established Relationship, Pure Fluff, Girlfriend!Robin Buckley, Mild Use of Pet Names, Skate Rink Dates, No Season 4 Spoilers.

Word Count: 3409

Summary: You and your girlfriend Robin go on a date to the skate rink. Turns out, neither of you are the best at skating.


"Robin, I'm not so sure about this..."

You scuff your shoes against the geometrically patterned carpet below, giving your girlfriend Robin Buckley an uneasy pout - one that she, unfortunately, doesn't turn around to see - as she leads you to a cushioned bench close to the locker rooms. Her hands are filled with four skates - two neon pink for you and two baby blue for her - and her face is scrunched up in concentration as she takes great effort not to bump into the many bustling bodies around her, criss-crossing through people like a ballerina who doesn't want to trip over their stage props. To put it bluntly, she's a little too preoccupied to fully acknowledge your uncertainty.

After a few excruciatingly long moments and an extremely close call where Robin almost tripped over a little girl's purse, you finally reach the bench that's the furthest into the corner of the room - the furthest away from the crowds of other people who have conveniently also decided that a Saturday night in June is the perfect time for them to visit their local skate rink.
Robin plops onto the seat and leans forward to untie and remove her black Converse, her bangs falling into her eyes as her fingers fumble with her shoelaces. You chew on your fingernails as you stand in front of her, watching her struggle to slide her skates over her socked feet.

She laughs humorlessly and shakes her head as she mumbles, "They haven't made these things any less difficult to put on, huh?"

It takes her a few minutes, but when she finally has her skates tied properly, she softly grabs your wrist and pulls you down to sit next to her. She kneels before you and carefully takes off your own shoes - you're more than capable of doing it yourself, but she likes taking care of you so you let her - and replaces them with your hot pink skates.

The unusual heaviness of the shoes attached to your feet have you worrying again, and before you know it, you're full-on sulking at the girl who's so generously tying up your laces.

"I'm serious," you start, teeth nibbling at the skin just inside of your lower lip. "I've been skating like thirty times - I used to be invited to a lot of skate birthday parties when I was a kid, and even then I sucked at it."

Your girlfriend's gaze shoots up to yours, rogue strands of her hair flying softly around her face to keep up with her movements, and she gives you a sympathetic, sweet smile.

"You know, I could always go ask the front desk for one of those Skate Assistants that the little kids use." Her lips shift higher upwards into a menacing grin that makes her eyes sparkle with mischief - the kind of look that she flashes to Steve when you're all hanging out together and she's about to say something that'll fluster the very heavens out of you - and you fight against the urge to bashfully smile and force your features to sink further down.

Robin takes the hint, despite a knowing twinkle that passes through her stare, and moves one hand to rest at your knee while the other finds your fingers and intertwines them with hers. Her grip is soft but firm, and you'd be lying if you said that the gentle circles she was imprinting into your kneecap weren't calming your mind.

"You have got nothing to worry about, I promise you." Her eyes are wide and doelike, full of admiration and sincerity, and that combined with the feeling of her skin against yours has your heart rapidly pulsing inside your chest. "I can barely manage to keep myself upright when I'm in normal shoes, much less ones with heavy wheels on the bottom of them."

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