𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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author: queenofhawkins

main pairing: Robin Buckley X Reader

summary: After you notice that Robin seems upset that morning, you decide to buy her lunch and visit her. There you find out what has been bothering her.

warnings: sad Robin, nightmares

reader notes: plus size reader (like i always do)


You parked your car in the Family Video parking lot, excited as you reached over the passenger seat to grab the hot brown paper bag containing your food. It had only been a few hours since you saw Robin, but you knew from this morning at your girlfriend's mood that you bringing her a burger and some fries and a drink from the local diner would help her out. You opened your door, and your boots made a hollow sound against the concrete. You were wearing the outfit that Robin loved on you. You were wearing a yellow T-shirt tucked into your black jeans with black combat boots and a red and black flannel thrown over top. Your hair was styled in two Dutch braids with little flyways hitting you in the eyes. You closed your car door as you approached the door.  

You could see from Steve’s expression that Robin’s mood had not shifted since she arrived at work. Steve was frowning, which was not very often when him and Robin were together. Steve’s head lifted from what he was looking at when the bell above the door rang. 

“Thank God you’re here.” Steve said as you walked up to the counter. 

“She’s not doing any better?” Steve scoffed. 

“She’s gotten worse.” Steve kept his voice down, probably so that Robin wouldn’t hear you two talking. “She hasn’t said one joke, hasn’t called me an idiot or a dingus at all today, and she's quiet. She hasn’t even said anything about you. What is going on with her?” You sighed as you placed the cup and paper bag on the counter. 

“I’m not sure. She was up when I woke up, and she’s been quiet all morning. She said I love you and that was it. Something’s wrong. I just don’t know what.” It was bothering you how little you knew at this moment. Your first guess was that she had a nightmare, but usually when she had a nightmare she would wake you up, cuddle you, and tell you what the nightmare was about. 

Something shifting in the corner of your eye had you turning your head. Your beautiful girlfriend was standing at the end of an aisle, holding a stack of video tapes and was putting them up. You nodded at Steve and you walked over there. 

“Hey, honey.” You said softly. Robin turned her head and her face brightened at the sight of you. She set the tapes on a cart next to her and embraced you tightly, burying her face in your neck. Her grip was tight and you were sure that something was going on. 

“Hey, I brought you lunch.” She nodded against your neck but made no intention to move from the hug. You inhaled her perfume, which was really a vanilla one you had on your dresser that Robin kidnapped because she loved it. You couldn’t lie, it smelt better on her.

You pulled away from the hug, and you cupped her cheeks, noticing the dark circles underneath her eyes and the redness. She had been crying. You wiped her eyes and looked around the store. There were a few people loitering around, probably looking for their weekend movie to watch on the couch. You grabbed her hand and took her to the backroom, grabbing the paper bag and cup from Steve on the way.

Robin sat in a metal chair as you set the food in front of her and kissed her head tenderly. Immediately, her arms went around your waist, burying her face into your stomach. Your heart deflated at the sounds of her sobs.

“Oh, honey. What happened?” You brushed her hair from her face as she continued to cry. Robin never cried, she was always composed and preferred to get angry when she’s overwhelmed. But to see your pretty girlfriend sobbing her heart out.

“I can’t stop thinking about last summer.” Her voice was wavering. You sat down on the chair next to her, holding her hands in your lap. She was looking down at her lap, her tears falling onto her darkwash denim jeans.

“I have nightmares. Horrible nightmares. Of those Russian bastards, beating you and Steve up, killing us. I keep on thinking that they may get to Dustin and Erica, may kill them too. I can’t get rid of them, [N/N]. They won't go away.” Her voice was incredibly shaky, and you reached over and hugged her tightly. You pressed kisses to her hair and temple. Your beautiful girl was struggling.

“What can I do?” She shook her head and pulled from the hug. She pressed her forehead to yours, both of you looking down at your joined hands.

“Nothing, I just want you.” You smiled softly and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. She chuckled softly.

“You have me.” 

𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗻 𝗕𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now