𝗘𝗱𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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author: steddiehickeys

pairing: robin buckley x guitarist! female reader

content warnings: steve being an ally, neck kissing, teasing, face riding, oral giving & receiving (female), soft dom! reader, switch! robin kinda i guess, fingering (reading giving), robin being a goofball, short cute fluff at the end

word count: 2,000

summary: our girl robin has a girlfriend, aka the reader, who's the lead guitarist in a band. her watching your shows and watching your fingers play so expertly makes her want you even more than she did in the first place.


Robin and Steve's smiles beamed from the back of the small venue you and your band were playing in. (She usually stayed in the back because she doesn't like tight crowds).

Just like the white-winged dove

Your fingers strummed across the strings so easily, never, ever missing a beat.

Sings a song, sounds like she's singing

If you were being completely honest, it was a tad hard to focus because of how mesmerized Robin is by you. The way she clapped and held her hands together while she jumped along to your songs.

The only thing on your mind at the moment was taking Robin out to your van after the show and giving her a night she'll be thinking about for weeks. Focus on your strumming, y/n.

Ooh, baby, ooh, said ooh

After finishing up your final cover of the night and thanking the audience, you headed backstage so you could wipe your face and pack up all your things.

Once you walked out to the back where your van was parked, it didn't take long for you to notice that cute head of short fluffy brown hair. Well, two of them I guess; Steve was there too.

Robin's back was to you, so you do a "shhh" motion to Steve before tickling her sides and then pulling her backside into your before she could pull away.

You gently kissed where her neck and shoulder met, "You look stunning tonight, Robin." She smelled like vanilla and amber; you swore you could get high just off her scent.

Robin's giggles eventually slowed down as she blushed and turned around to face you. "And you looked stunning up there! Are you kidding? You looked so frickin cool!"

You couldn't stop the huge smile that crept up on your face. "Thank you, babe. I try to look all super-sexy-rocker-chick for you." You put your fingers under her chin to make her look you in the eyes; that just causes her to blush more.

"Well, you definitely looked all super-sexy-rocker-chick tonight." She bit her lower lip and leaned in closer to you. She gets so flustered by you she can forget other people exist. You hear Steve clear his throat.

"As cute as you two are, I have to pick up Henderson from Mike's house in 20 minutes. Do you need a ride home, Robin?" He leans against his car with his arms crossing over his chest.

You both smiled at Steve's generosity, but you interlaced your fingers with Robin's before saying, "Don't worry, Harrington, I got her."

He ran a hand through his hair before giving you and Robin both a quick hug. "Amazing job tonight, Y/N. Make sure you save Eddie a ticket for next time, he keeps talking about how he can 'out-shred' you on the guitar." He laughs and turns on his heel to get into his car.

"Will do." You chuckle as you both watch Steve drive away.

"Shall we?" Robin takes your hands and starts walking backward toward your van; you know the look she has on her face. She keeps running her teeth over her bottom lip and she has a slight darkness to her eyes that gives you a tingle between your thighs.

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