𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂

3.7K 43 7

author: dilflover3333

request by anon: Robin x fem soccer captain popular reader who is also Eddie's best friend?

robin buckley x fem ! soccer captain reader

word count: 1k

warnings: soccer shenanigans, pining, slight fluff, short make out session


you were scary, like getting carded during most of your matches scary.

but that was one of the things that piqued eddie's curiosity. you met after a match at a gas station, all sweaty, sisters of mercy blasting from your car as you pumped the gas.

you clicked instantly.

you did not interact much at school, you were from different crowds. but that did not stop you from defending him from jason's shenanigans.

he always gave you a salute in the hallways and you never missed the opportunity to blow him a kiss.

eddie was really supportive, never missed a single one of your matches. they were thrilling and adrenaline fueling, always so exiting. who knew girls got that aggressive. but then again it was soccer, and you were defense, center forward, captain, the best of the best.

one friday, eddie declined a hang out invite from steve and robin, and told them to get their asses to your match.

it was a final, things where getting intense.

robin could not get her eyes off you. the way you rested your hands on your thighs, when you sprayed water on your face, when you slammed your body into an opposer's when the ref's back was turned.

who knew soccer was so exiting.

cleats dirty, skin coated with dust and sweat you ran to your best friend with the post game win euphoria.

he did not hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and twirl you around kissing you on your cheek.

robin's heart stopped, she would have never guessed you and him were a thing. luckily steve had questions too.

"eddie! why have you never said anything about having a girl!"

you laughed and pushed eddie away playfully. "nah stevie, s' not like that." you grinned.

robin smiled with relief.

"so im buying the team dinner to celebrate their well deserved win! see you later munson! nice seeing you out of school context, robin, stevie." you bowed and turned around, skipping to your team mates. wrapping your arms around one, shoving another.

robin could not stop staring at you, the boys noticed.

"like what you see buckley?" eddie asked, shit eating grin plastered on his face.

robin flushed and slapped eddie's shoulder lightly. "shut up munson!"

after that it was free fire for eddie .

he always invited you to their hang outs, and he found robin got especially flustered when you showed up sweaty and in uniform, knee length socks, soft ground cleats on. (not that she would know the difference, but for you she would learn.)

you were being loud and funny, and robin could just not stop staring at you.

you were not dumb. you found robin's habit of staring at you adorable.

it was saturday afternoon, you had just lost a game. defeated, the only thing that cheered you up was robin's hug. it started hesitantly but ended up a tight embrace. with you shaking in frustration. tightening your grip on her.

robin could not stop thinking about your bear hug.

the ride to steve's house was silent.

you rode shot gun, steve letting you pick the music to "help you feel better about your shitty shitty match."

hours later you lounged in one of steve's pool chairs, leaving the others inside, hoping Robin would join you, she did not disappoint.

you got your marlboros and a lighter from your gymsack, you had good habits, took care of your body, treat it it like an instrument, it had to be tuned to be able to score all those goals, and get all those cards.

robin sat in the chair next to you, legs swung to the side so she faced you.


god how you loved her voice, and when she went on her nervous rambles when you were left alone with her, you adored her raspy voice, it sent shivers down your spine.

you just smiled at her, you wanted to make her nervous, when she got nervous, she rambled.

"today was intense! who knew soccer could be such a rush, i never was one for sports, but watching you in the field is so amazing. i mean- not you specifically- but like just soccer in general- but yes you- i go to watch you- i mean- yes- anyway..." she was blushing hard, and wringing her hands.

you placed an unlit cigarette on her lips, and she startled, leaning in instinctively, her warm lips brushing your hand.

"shut up buckley."

you sat with her for a while, robin did not smoke, and she did not like the fact that you did, but she wanted to impress you, so she tried sucking in a puff when you lit her cig, and coughed so much you patted her on the back.

you grabbed the cigarette from her lips and stomped it out with your shoe.

"robin, robin, you did not have to smoke if you did not want to."

"i wanted to impress you." she froze. "i probably should not have said that." she whispered, squirming,

"you're cute" you scrunched your noze.

"i really want to kiss you right now."

your eyebrows raised.

"fuck!" robin stood up suddenly. "i should not have said that, i should not have said that."

nerves were attacking her body viciously.

"shut up and kiss me robin."

she froze, pink rising to her cheeks, you sighed at her and got up to kiss her yourself.

your lips warm and soft against hers, she completely melted in your arms.

your movements were slow and meticulous. enjoying each other's taste.

you broke apart panting, grins painting each others faces.

"munson's gonna loose his shit, he's been trying to get us together for a while. he did not know i was only waiting cus i enjoyed making you nervous."

robin intertwined her hands with yours and gave you a soft smile.

"so what? you enjoy the nervous way i talk around you, the way i can't seem to shut up because you are just so pretty."

"yes i do buckley, yes i do."

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