𝗛𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀

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Author: geekfanficwriter

Summary: Your relationship with your girlfriend, Robin, is great. There's just one problem, you can't stand her best friend, Steve.

Warnings: Angst, mentions of homophobia and bullying


You sat on your bed with your girlfriend in your lap, placing small kisses all over her neck. You had pulled her shirt off earlier, throwing it somewhere in your room, so she was just in her bra.
'Y/N, Steve will be here soon, we can't do this right now.' Robin whined.
'I don't see you moving away.' You reply, sucking marks into her collarbone.
'Babe, I'm being serious.' She said, grabbing your head and holding it in her hands.

'Why does Steve have to come over? Why can't we just spend time alone?' You pouted. Your parents were out for the evening and you wanted to spend that time with your girlfriend not Steve fucking Harrington.

'Because he's my best friend and I want the two of you to get along.' You groaned out at her words, flopping backwards on the bed. 'Why don't you like him?'
'Well, he did confess his love for my girlfriend.' You said, pulling Robin down so she was lying on top of you and placing a kiss on her lips.

'Okay, 1. He didn't know I was gay, 2. He didn't know you were my girlfriend and 3. He was drugged by Russians.' She kissed you back, playing with your hair.
'Believe me, I will never forget about the Russians. I've never been more terrified than when you vanished for a few days.'
'I know, I'm sorry, babe.' She pressed a kiss to your lips and you placed your hands on her waist, sliding your tongue into her mouth. Her hands slid up under your shirt and you groaned as her hands reached your breasts. You slid your hands down grabbing her ass through her jeans. Just at that moment, you hear the doorbell ring. Robin pulled away, grabbing her shirt off the floor. You let out a groan, flopping back down on the bed, pouting.

'Don't sulk. Get up.' She said holding her hand out. You grabbed her hand, letting her pull you off the bed. You followed her down the stairs, to your front door which she opened to reveal Steve.
'Hey, girls. I bought a movie and popcorn.' He said holding up a plastic bag.

'Great, we'll go through to the kitchen and sort out the popcorn.' Robin smiled as Steve walked into your house.
'Harrington.' You smiled bitterly at him, taking the bag out
of his hand and leading them through to the kitchen. You grabbed the popcorn out of the bag placing it on the stove as you listened to Steve and Robin joke around.

'So what movie did you pick?' Robin asked Steve as you turned away from the stove to face them.
'Sixteen Candles.' He said holding up the movie. You rolled your eyes, something which Steve missed but Robin didn't.
'Steve, the living room is through there. Can you set up the movie?' Robin said pointing.

'Yeah sure.' He said walking through to the living room as Robin spun around and glared at you.
'Really? You can't even pretend to be nice.' She said crossing her arms.
'I hate Sixteen Candles.' You shrug.
'The movie isn't the problem, it's your attitude.'
'I'm sorry, I'll try to be nice.' You say wrapping your arms around her and kissing her cheek.

'You will be nice, not try.' She warned to which you nodded. You walked over to the stove, turned it off and grabbed a bowl, pouring the popcorn into it. You grabbed Robin's hand, pulling her through to the living room, where Steve was sitting on the couch. You placed the popcorn on the table, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. Robin walked over to play the movie before sitting between the two of you. You pulled her into your arms as she smiled at you.

'Do you want more popcorn, babe?' You asked Robin, looking at the empty bowl. You were about halfway through the movie at this point and you still hated it but you were sucking it up for your amazing girlfriend.

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