I think we kissed but I forgot

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Author: hawkins-losers

Pairings: Robin Buckley x Harrington!reader

Summary: Robin wakes up in her crush's bed

Word count: 1.5k


Holy shit, Robin slipped as she woke up in someone else's bed - naked. Not just someone's bed, Steve's sister's bed.

Your back was turned to her, soundly sleeping on your silk pillowcase. Your side of the covers had been kicked during the night and your sleep shirt had ridden up, uncovering your butt. Robin's cheeks went hot, trying to look away but failing. It was just as nice up close than all the times she had caught a glimpse of it in the P.E. changing rooms.

Robin was trying not to freak out, but how can you not freak out when you wake up naked next to the girl you had a crush on for over two years?

She'll forever remember the way you had tapped her shoulder in English class and sweetly asked if you could borrow a pen from her. The moment had been rom-com-esque, but Robin never had the guts to make a move or talk to you outside that class, too scared you would make fun of her or reject her - which sounded terrifying for a closeted band girl who has a hard time making friends.

Now that she had become best friends with Steve, you by default snaked your way into her life. Robin couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing. On one hand, she got to see you and talk to you in less anxiety inducing situations - like school. It also increased the possibilities of making a total fool of herself in front of you.

The odds turned in her favor because you took a liking into her. All of your secret moments in a crowded room were engraved in Robin's mind. The many fits of laughter and inside jokes she and you shared. Every time her name would fall from your tongue, everything would just stop. And when you tucked her hair behind her ear the other night, Robin combusted.

She was falling so deep and fast for you, which was making this confusing wake up so much more difficult for her.

How did she end up in that situation? It wasn't in Robin's habits to wake up in someone else's bed with barely any memories from the previous night. Perhaps it was the beer she had last night?

''Don't think too hard, it'll make your hangover worse.''

Your voice snapped Robin out of her mind, having not realized you were awake. Her eyes went into panic mode and she pulled the comforter over her bare chest, feeling body-shy. At least her panties were still on, shielding her intimate part.

There was a lazy smile on your face as you looked at her, the sunlight turning her shoulder golden. ''Good morning, beautiful.''

Robin's cheeks turned red, fighting a smile. No one had ever called her that.

Instead of saying 'good morning too', Robin's mouth began word-vomiting - and it wouldn't stop. ''I don't think morning is the appropriate term of time to be using as it's almost noon and noon is not part of morning. Not in that sense. It's part of lunch, but we can't say 'good lunch' because that's phonically wrong and only to be used when someone is going on lunch break or to get lunch-''

A soft laugh spilled from your lips, listening to her nervous rambling. ''What should I say, then?'' you asked, staring up into her blue eyes.

''I-I don't know...'' she stammered, a little tongue tied from your shameless flirting and the way you were looking at her.

''Are you getting all shy on me?'' You raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile creeping on your face. ''You weren't so shy last night when you were dancing on tables - that's where you lost your shirt.''

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