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author: gabbimunson

warnings: none just fluff, i think a swear or two ♡

parings & aus: black!fem!reader x robin buckley, college au.


the window that was situated in front of you seemed like a good one to jump out of, especially because it would tear you away from all the work you were swamped with. english essays, history projects- it was eating you alive and spitting you right back out.

although you loved her, your girlfriend was driving you bat crazy with all of her excessive talking, which you tried to cease with shushing and the swatting of your hand, but still, there she was- talking your ear off about things that both of you would forget about in the next hour or so.

you're typing away at your computer when robin finally leaves the room to grab something to snack on. you're immediately focused when the room falls silent, giving you enough time to think out what you need to do and how you need to get it done. ten minutes pass and you assumed that robin's still in the kitchen, occupying herself with something in silence. you're breezing through your work now, forgetting about the pile of papers you have to complete for work and the cleaning you have to do afterward. but your mind is clear and you're getting the job done, so you can't complain.

thirty minutes pass and you're halfway through your paper when a set of hands are placed on your shoulder, "boo!"

you jump, your fingers pressing on some random key on your keyboard. it isn't random, because you watch your hard work reset, your essay vanishing before your eyes. your eyes widen as you stand up from your desk, violently clicking at the keys, trying to undo the damage that robin had caused, but it's no use. snapping your computer closed, you turn around and meet eyes with the girl, who has a very apologetic expression painted on her face.

"are you kidding me, robin! this is why i didn't want you in here! my gosh, i can't stand you! get out!"

her eyes soften at your statement, her jaw hanging slack as she gave you an open-lipped, hurt frown, "oh. i'll just...i'll just go."

the blue eyed girl disappears before you, shutting the door closed behind herself. a twinge of regret sprouts in your heart and you feel bad for how you snapped at her. you couldn't help it- you were so stressed out and irritated, and her talking made your brain whirr and it was all too much.

teeth sinking into your bottom lip, your head falls as your fingers comb through your dark curls. with every moment that passed, you felt worse and worse. you didn't mean to snap at her- you swear, but it all happened so fast, and you were upset- so it felt justified in the moment.

on the other side of the house, robin was situated on the couch with fat globs of tears streaming down her cheeks. she was a silent crier, but her lips quivered as she looked down in attempt to blink the tears away. she sniffled and returned her attention back to the muted TV in front of her, watching some reality show that she wasn't really watching. poor baby felt so awful- it was all her fault that your work was deleted. she was only trying to help you- she wanted to distract you from your large list of assignments, but all you wanted to do was focus.

with tears swimming in the underskirts of your eyes, you twisted your doorknob open and made your way to the living room where your girlfriend was sitting. your eyes flicker to her and her red, tear-stained cheeks, and your heart immediately shattered in your chest. when robin sees you standing there, her eyes descend to her thighs. you sigh, walking over to her and sitting next to her, "hi. um, i-i'm sorry i snapped at you, i didn't m-mean to, y'know that?" you sniffle, waiting for her response. but she doesn't give one.

you sigh, turning to face the blonde, "c'mon, robbie, talk to me."

"i thought you said you couldn't stand me," she shrugs, sniffing hard as she looks up at you, "i thought you didn't want me in there."

you frown at that, scooting closer to her and looking into her reddened eyes, "no, no, never baby, i'm just so stressed and overwhelmed, and you know how i get if i'm overstimulated and i can't focus."

she nods.

"it's not your fault, sweet girl. come here," your arms soar open as she rests on your chest, your arms wrapping around her. she's already smiling wide, laughing as she looks up at you, "okay. i love you, and i don't want you to be even more stressed because..because of me."

"i love you too, and don't worry, it isn't because of you. but now i need your help...."

"what is it?"

"i need your help with my essay?"

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