BB24 (Male x Male) Michael- Fight and Confession

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Requested by: @R4YK1NN1E

Y/n POV 

I have been in the Big Brother house for 6 weeks now and we are officially apart of the jury. I have feelings for someone who is still in the house and I'm glad we are both still here. It's Michael who I like. But the thing is, I haven't told him how I feel. I'm afraid he won't like me back and I will ruin our friendship. 

Daniel has won HOH and is bragging and rubbing it in everyone's faces and I am sick and tried of it. 

"I'm safe for another week. No jury house this week for me." Daniel says. 

"Just you just shut up Daniel? Like good for you but some of us have to make sure we make it to next week." I tell him. 

"You are just so butt hurt that you couldn't win this HOH, (y/n)." Daniel rolls his eyes. 

"I honestly could care less if I won HOH or not. I know you can't stand my guts Daniel, and will put me up no matter what. So I am just going to win the fucking veto and secure my safety just like you did" I raise my voice. 

"After this I will put you on the block and on eviction night you will be sent to the jury house" Daniel yells. 

"Well if I do go then I will make sure you follow me to the jury house next week. I'll watch this house burn." I say as tears are now threatening to fall from my eyes. 

"Go fuck yourself (y/n)." Daniel flips me off and walks into his HOH room. 

I walk into the have-not room where I silently cry to myself. Then after a few moments of silence Michael walks into the room. He immediately comes up to me and hugs me tight. 

"Listen, Daniel is such an ass. We will make sure goes home next week for sure. I'll go hard for HOH so I can keep both of us safe" Michael explains. 

"Thank you so much Michael" I cry. 

"Look. In case this is my last week in the house, I need to tell you something" I say as my heart is beating a million beats per second. 

"I love you Michael. I have loved you since we first talked heart to heart during week one. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. If you don't like me back that's fine-" I get cut off my Michael's lips touching mine. Over and over again. A ton of tiny little kisses. 

"You don't know how much I have wanted to say that too. I love you so much (y/n)." Michael kisses me again. 

"I am so lucky to have you Michael. I'm the luckiest person in the world" I say as I cuddle closer into Michael. 

"Let's give this house and Daniel hell to pay." I smirk.

"I've got your back. Always" Michael says as I can hear his heart beating. 

As long as I can always hear his heart beating, I know everything will all be okay. 

I really love Michael. 

Word count: 532


Continue to request! 

Have a lovely day :) 


emily <3

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