Toki's Arrest

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Toki gasped, as her blindfold was taken off. She squeezed her eyes shut, blinded for a second at the bright lights. She began to focus on the two men before her. She seemed to be in a metal room. She recongnized the two way mirror. Endeavour and an officer were before her.

"We're going to put a truth quirk on you," the officer said. "And Endeavour will ask you some questions, okay?"

Toki nodded, slanting her head down. She needed to get out of here. 

She felt strange suddenly, as she noticed the officer surrounded in white light. She gasped, falling forward onto the table. She got up, leaning back in her chair. 

"Alright- what's your name, kid?" Endeavour asked. 


"Last name?"

"No. Just Toki."

"Alright- how old are you?"

"About 7."

"Whats your quirk?" 

"Ash Fire."

"How does it work?"

"I can create black fire with my hands, and everything the fire touches crumbled to dust. I have to touch something to spread my fire."

"What is your business with the League of Villians?"

"I live with them."

"Hm. Do you have parents?"


"May I ask who they are?"

".... Touya Todoroki and I forget my mom's name. I think Tenti or something."

Endeavour's eyes widened. He closed them, shaking his head. The officer gasped, releasing his quirk. Toki gasped too, knowing what she had just done. 

"Touya Todoroki is DEAD!" Endeavour yelled. "Is your quirk malfunctioning? She's LYING!" He slammed his fists on the table, walking out. 

"What will happen to me?" Toki asked. The officer sighed heavily.

"Well, Toki. You'll have to ask the chief. You'll rather be placed under supervision by a pro, or placed in juvenile detention. If youre lucky, you'll be put up for adoption.

Toki's eyes angered, as she began to create fire in her palms. "No! You're not taking me away!" she screamed, releasing herself from the restraints. She created black fire as the officer called for backup. She touched the table, the mirror, and the officer, and all three crumpled to dust. Police officers rushed in, and Toki defeated all of them. Endeavour rushed into the room, a dank look on his face.

He made a ring of fire around Toki, capturing her. He tied her up, and cuffed her again.

"What the hell," he yelled, as more officers came in.

"Turn them back!" the officer yelled. Toki nodded sullenly. She felt bad. She didn't wnat to hurt anyone. She raised her hand, reverting the dust back into officers.


Toki sighed, crumbling her restraints again. She crumpled her blindfold too. How did they think solitary confinement would work on her? She touched the door, crumpling it, too. She walked out, scratching her hands. Using her quirk too much made her itchy. She passed AFO's container, and pretended not to see it. She didn't want to cause suspicion, and get herself in even more trouble.

She walked out, into the sunlight again. She began turning around, trying to navigate her way. Where was home? She searched, tears in her eyes.


The next day, she finally reached the lobby. She had slept on a park bench last night, and was very sore from the journey. She stopped dead, tears in her eyes. The entire place was destroyed. She ran in, crying even more when she found nobody there. She ran into her room, crying her eyes out. She quickly grabbed her stuffed black cat, cuddling it close. 

Anger filled her. Anger at the heroes. Anger at the police. Anger at all the people wanting to be the awful people who are heroes. She conjured the most fire she ever had, and burned the entire place to the ground. Once done, she found her Auntie Toga's syringe. She shoved it into her pocket.

She started heading toward the second hideout. She was hoping that her family were there. Hoping they hadn't been taken, too.


The Child In The L.O.V. - a ShigaDabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now