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A/N: First of all, I would like to thank Glo0micq for ideas to continue this story. I had major writer's block :D

Anyways, please vote and comment ideas; (It really helps!)


Rei sat across from the TV, fiddling with the holde in her sweater. She wanted to stitch it, but her hands would be too shaky to even do so. The TV was really quiet, only on about 2 volume. She decided to turn it up, because the news was on. The news focused a lot on young heroes, so UA students, (including Shoto) would be on a lot. She liked getting to see him every once in a while.

"Young Toki Todoroki fled the scene after All Might concluded his fight with All For One, and even escaped solitary confinement, after #1 hero Endeavour captured her for the second time," the reporter said.

Rei's eyes widened, and she turned up the volume even more, leaning in closer. Toki Todoroki?

"Searches for Toki and her parents are commencing. Sources say that the girl has stated the names of her parents as the deceased Touya Todoroki, son of Endeavour, and a villian in the LOV. Our news cast have been coming up with a lot of theories on this matter. Into the thinking segment, I say goodnight."

Rei's heart pounded. Touya had a daughter? That can't be possible- he was so young when he died. The TV flipped to  four news reporters around a table, each holding reports and images.

The first reporter began talking. "The theory that I have been working on is one of where this Toki girl works for the LOV. She may be lying; using a copy quirk to make it appear to look like she is the child of Touya. She's just trying to get under Endeavor's skin."

The second reporter. "I don't think so, Janice. My theory is that Toki may have a time-travel quirk. She may have brought back Touya in some way, and been convinced they were related, mentally."

The first reporter. "Are you suggesting that Touya Todoroki was mental?"

"Not at all."

Tears brewed in Rei's eyes. She didn't want to hear all this...

The third reporter. "I think she's telling the truth. Did we even find Touya's body?"

The forth: "No, he was burnt in a fire."

The third: "There are many villains with burn scars. Touya could be alive."

Rei gasped, leaning back. Tears spilled across her face.

The forth: "I agree with Kana. I think he's alive. But the question is, who is Toki's mother? The kid clearly has a more powerful quirk than any of the Todoroki's."

Rei shut off the TV. She couldn't do this today. She closed her eyes, but the thought of Touya kept her awake. 

His voice rang in her ears. His face haunted her sleep. The image of Toki. Her granddaughter. It hurt her.

And so that's why Rei Todoroki escaped the mental hospital that night, killing guards in her way with her powerful ice, in search of her son.


I like this so far :D

I feel like Rei would be very powerful, and yet she doesn't use her quirk AT ALL

Anyways, bye Peeps! See u soon!


The Child In The L.O.V. - a ShigaDabi storyWhere stories live. Discover now