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My alarm is ringing. Which...makes me get up out of bed and turn it off. I hate living alone... It reminds me of how I'll always be.

You see-I wasn't always like this. I had a loving family, good childhood. I moved out when I was 18 and into an apartment for a little bit.

That was when...I met my girlfriend. We instantly hit it off. We were going 2 years strong. I thought nothing could stop us! Well...I was wrong.

Today, a year ago exact, she was driving home from work to see me for a bit. She worked as a police officer. God-she looked so good in her uniform. It made me feel a certain way.

She was supposed to be arriving at 7:00pm, but she never came. She was NEVER like that. A half hour later-I got the devastating call from her patrol partner. She was shot when a drive-by happened. One bullet was all it took.

It killed me. It still does to this day. I have self-inflicted scars covering my arms and legs to remind myself of what I'll always be: alone. Simple.

I'll have no one to share my bed with. No more laughs, no more whispers of love in my ear. None of that. God, I miss that so much...

But-one thing that always kept my spirits up-was watching the pro heros on TV. My favorite hero is Pinky. Also...I have a huge crush on her. She's so beautiful. Her eyes...

Getting out of bed I go to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. After that, I get changed into some clothes and get ready to go out. I'm getting my hair done today! I HAVE to do something to cheer myself up. Right?

I look at the time and it reads '9:30 AM'. I can wait another hour before I leave. Y'know how...we live in a world where people are born with quirks?

I have one. But...I don't like to talk about it. Well, since you guys are here, I might as well! It's called Flash Bang. It's pretty much self-explanatory-I can explode like a grenade. On the nape of my neck, there is the thing that you pull upwards-like an actual grenade.

I've worked REALLY good on my quirk so I can pretty much control it how I want it. Also...when I explode, or...when I 'disperse', the particles of smoke and dust, I can manipulate it.

And I can make that into any weapon I want. Complicated and simple. It is what it is. I miss my girlfriend still... Anyway-I wanna tell you guys my outfit! Here we go!

• black men's dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to my elbows

•black skinny jeans with a black belt

•black tie(cause they're hot)

•black high top converse with black socks all the way up

I LOVE men's clothing. Once in awhile, when I'm in a SUPER cheery mood, I'll dress in a more feminine manner. And...I ride a motorcycle! It's a jet black Ducati. Sexy ones at that.

I hop on, rev it up, and speed off. The feeling takes my mind off of my tragic things in my life. Also...I'm not do ashamed of my scars anymore-as long as no one makes fun of them.

I make it there in fifteen minutes. I park my bike and walk inside. As soon as I step inside-eyes are on me. Mostly men...and a couple women. I guess I look intimidating. I have a septum piercing, a brow piercing, and my three holes on each of my ears.

Not to mention rings. I LOVE rings! I sit in a chair and wait for my name to be called. It was a wait time of roughly...ten minutes.

"Y/n l/n!" Said the woman at the front desk.

"That'll be me", I said, smiling and walking over.

The woman-she's rather hot. She's black, with beautiful dark eyes and her hair in dreadlocks. She has some tattoos. But, she dresses more on the feminine side. She is the only one I trust at this place that can do my hair.

"So? What'll it be today?" She asked as I sat in the salon chair as she draped the smock over my shoulders.

"I want an undercut, and just RIGHT above my ears shaved as well", I reply. "Just work your magic, Kiko."

"You got it!" She grins. "Also-you'd look GREAT if you got your hair dyed all black. I know your hair is dark brown. But-you'll look SO good with it black."

"Hmmm", I give it a thought. "Y'know... I'll go for it. How much more will that be?"

"$15.00 for dying your hair, $22.00 for the hair...which is-$37.00 total."

"Good. I should have enough." I nod and she gets to work.

While she works we have a nice talk. Her dying my hair, washing it, drying it, AND cutting it, took hour and a half. I look sexy as hell. Kiko agrees with me too. I pay her and add a $5 tip. Then I'm on my way.

I decided to stay outside awhile longer and have a ride in town. I browse the streets, window shopping as I ride by. Just I JUST got off my bike and parked it as I was gonna go inside a music store-a loud bang rings out.

It was in the store next to the music! The wall was affected, for it blew up and a chunk of wall hit me. I was knocked flat on my back which also caused me to hit my head rather well.

I'm stuck. The piece of wall is too large for me to move on my own. The people are too scared to even notice me...which is understandable. But-still pisses me off that no one is helping.

"Help! Someone, anyone! Help me!" I called out. "Please!" Fear started rising in my chest.

"Ma'am!" I look ahead of me, and from what I see-it is pro hero Pinky! "I'm here to help you!" She kneels down and pushes the chunk of wall off me. "Can you stand?"

"I...I think so..." I said shakily, slowly standing up. "My head hurts so bad though... My bike is right outside."

"Alright! I gotta get you out of here. My buddies and I are here to stop this!" She guides me out. "Hmmm..." She places a delicate hand on my head, "now-it's kind of swollen, but thankfully, nothing else is happening. This your bike, right here?"

"Yep." I get out of her grasp, go over to my bike and rest against it. "Thanks, Pinky... Y-You're my favorite hero, y'know." I can't stop my cheeks from tinting the slightest pink.

"Awe, ain't that sweet" she chuckles, clearly seeing my fruitiness. "I'll have you know..." She walks over and gets kind of close. "You're kinda cute yourself. See ya later, gater!" She runs away to join her hero partners.

I didn't know what to say. That was my first time ever seeing her-in person! And...she was THAT close to me. I couldn't believe it.

I watch the scene unfold. There was Pinky, Dynamight, Red Riot, and Cellophane. They seem to have caught three villains. They all look weird.

Probably because of their quirks. I mean...I look just like a normal woman-but my hair hides my secret. My head is still a bit sore, so I wait it out a few more minutes.

"Hey! You!" Pinky got my attention. "What's your name? I don't think I got it!"

"Y/n l/n!" I called back.

"Awesome! Mine is Mina Ashido! Can we meet up again sometime on the weekend?" Her eyes caprivated me so.

"Sure!" I reply back. "Meet me at the mall at 3:30 PM!"

"Cool! See ya later, stranger~!" Then her and her friends went away, leaving the police to deal with the villains.

"Damn..." I said to myself. "She's even more beautiful in person. I was...this close to her."

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