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It's the weekend. I'm going to meet my CRUSH, for God's sake. What are the odds in that? Since I wanna make a good impression and not wanna come off as '24/7 Emo'...I'll dress more feminine. Might as well.

I leave my hair down as usual. I slip on a white crop top, blue skinny jeans, and my white vans. When...when Mina saw my arms-she didn't say a word about them.

Obviously because she was busy in that moment. But...will she say anything else to me about them again? I kind of hope not.

I take my bike again. Slipping on my leather jacket and my helmet-I ride off. I get to the mall in a half hour. Now...all I gotta do is wait. I'm low-key nervous though. As I parked my bike and set my helmet on the seat...

"Y/n!" There's her voice.

"Hm? Hey!" I look over my shoulder and wave. "Looks like we got here at the same time, yeah?"

"Sure did!" Mina grinned.

Her in casual clothes makes her look more beautiful than I could ever think. unique. She's so pretty. Something inside me tells me that she's different from my last...

We stare at one another for a few more seconds. I catch her eyes. Her eyes catch mine. All I see in her eyes are wonder and curiosity, wanting to know me and more ABOUT me.

"You look nice", I said, nodding to her.

"So do you!" She grinned back at me. "I almost didn't recognize you. But, when I saw your bike and your helmet, I knew who it was."

"Yeah", I reply, slowly taking off my jacket anf throwing it over my shoulder. "You don't arms, do you?"

"What's the matter with them?" She tilts her head in honest confusion.

" can OBVIOUSLY see what's on there..." I look away. "I can put my jacket on if it triggers you-."

"It's fine! I don't care", Mina said, "it doesn't trigger me. I think they're pretty. Like a warrior who's fought a battle!"

"Well, I did. For a long time. That's a story for another day." We head inside the mall.  "So...what do you want to do first?"

"Hmmm", she narrows her eyes in thought. "Honestly- I have no idea. What do YOU wanna do?"

"Well-I wanna get some art supplies. I may not look like the type who likes art, but...I enjoy it."

"As you should! Anyone can do anything if they put their minds to it." Mina laughs aloud, clearly liking me already.

"Um-can I ask you something?"

"Sure, y/n. What is it?" Mina stopped in front of me.

"Why did you wanna meet me again?" I don't have a clue. "What MADE you wanna see me again?"

"I do that with some of the people I save. I just...get this sense of who I'll see and WON'T see again. With you-?...I got the feeling that I'll see you again AFTER this. And, if I may say with the most respect, if this'll make you feel can always get a tattoo to cover up your arms."

"Hm, I have been thinking about that", I said, nodding to let her know it didn't offend me. "That's all I wanted to know. Plus-as you already know...I like girls. And-holy crap, I've had this crush on you for the longest time...!"

"Awe, I'm flattered" she chuckles, her already pink cheeks darkening. "If you want...on a day that some of my friends and I aren't busy-would you like to meet them?"

"Maybe. I don't like meeting a lot of new people all at once."

"Oh-okay! That's fair", Mina nodded. "I get it. supplies, here we come!"

She takes my hand and drags me along behind her. Everywhere we went-eyes followed us. Mainly because you don't see a pro hero hanging out with an average every day. It doesn't happen much.

People whisper as we walk by. They're looking at me...and my arms. But-I focus my gaze ahead, focusing on spending time with my damn celebrity crush! Jeez...imagine that.

"Art store! Here we are!" Mina beams. "How much money you got?"

"$450.75. I work at a motorcycle shop, it gives me good pay", I said.

"Awesome!" She smiles. "I was gonna say-if you didn't have enough money for the things you wanted, that I'd cover some for you."

"No, Mina, no. You don't have to-."

"Oh, y/n, but-I do!" She places both of her hands on my right shoulder, leaning in. "It's the least I can do."

"Okay, okay, okay, fine!" I shrugged her off of me. "Let's go."

I get a hand basket. I get copic markers(like a lot), oil-based paints, empty canvases, and a color palette book. All of that was-...$200.00 even.

After I pay that, Mina and I walk to HER favorite place-the gift shop. I don't find anything interesting...until I see a bracelet with a small motorcycle charm. I get that, and Mina FORCED me to get an alien charm.

Because-she ORIGINALLY wanted to go by Alien Queen. But...that got shut down. She DOES look like an alien-a pretty one. Anyway-

"What do ya wanna do next?" Mina asks me eagerly. "Photo booth?"

"Uhh..." I hesitate. "I don't really like taking pictures."

"Oh, c'mon!" She whined. "Pretty please?"

"Fine... Only a few." I let her drag me inside.

Our first picture: both of us smiling at the camera. Our second picture: her winking and holding a peace sign with me making a goofy face. Our third picture: both of us facing one another, leaning in and smiling(we were both blushing). Our final picture: Mina trying to kiss me as I push on her face to get her away, me flipping her off with the other hand.

She'll keep the first two and I'll keep the last two. They look like little polaroid pictures, which was very cute! After that-the both of us got something to eat. We both got plain mochi. She got strawberry flavor while I got peach flavor.

After the treats, we browsed around and went home after another hour. Getting home I go to my room and flop onto my bed. I can't believe that I hung out with my celebrity crush!

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