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•LEZ GOOOOOO WE AT THE END!! The reason why book is short, is because I wanted to get working on other things as soon as possible! But dude-Mina is so-•

It's been a month ago since Mina and I have bought that house. The both of us have been packing up and preparing. Today...is the day that we get to start a life-together.

Mina is coming over to take my boxes into her car to the house. I'll be following her on my Ducati. Her BMW is so damn huge-it already fits her boxes and there is STILL room!

"Ready to go?" She asked me as I pulled up to her driver's side on my bike.

"Ready to ride", I displayed a smirk before pushing down the shield of my helmet and riding off.

"Hmmm... One HELL of a woman" Mina sighed as she blushed.

The total ride was about an hour. Actually...it's kind of closer to my work! So, I don't have to get up at 3:30 AM anymore! The house is beautiful!

"You like it?" Mina asked, placing a hand on my shoulder as she stood beside me, leaning in and nuzzling me.

"I love it..." I say dreamily. "Let's go explore!" I took off, taking the key from Mina's hand. "Wow!" I gasped as I walked inside.

Mina and I explored the house together. Since...we aren't married yet, we have agreed to sleep in the same room, but we'll take turns sharing the bed and sleeping on the floor. The patio was great too.

After THAT-we hammered down and worked on getting ALL the boxes inside. I feel like my arms are gonna fall off!

"Phew!" I collapsed onto the couch, panting. "I can't WAIT for a shower..."

"Same here!" Mina sighs, "are you excited?"

"Yep!" I sit up again, "tomorrow, since we're both off of work, we can spend the day decorating. Plus...I gotta get my hair done again. I'll make an appointment with Kiko."

"She's your stylist?" She asks.

"Mhm. She's great", I nod. "How will it look-if I had...the hair cut of Gwen Stacy from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-verse?"

"Hmm", she narrows her eyes at me, imaging me with the style. "You'd look amazing!"

"Exactly" I smirk to myself. "What do you want for dinner? We need to buy a lot of stuff to fill the cabinets, cupboards, and fridge and freezer."

"We can do that together tomorrow", Mina replied. "Now..."

She takes my hand in hers, and kisses the top of my hand. She's gonna make me pass away sooner or later-

"Now...let's celebrate!" She cheers. "There's a club about ten miles into town. Wanna go?"

"Yeah", I grin. "But...let's get 'spiced up', shall we?"

The two of us get ready. Mina goes all out: she wears a spaghetti-strapped dress that goes to her knees, and...the color is black. God-her figure looks so good-. She's wearing a black sweater too to go with her look.

I'm wearing an off-the-shoulder navy blue crop top, sleeves flowy. Black ripped jeans, and my black vans. I put on my black spike earrings on each ear. I do make-up! I do dark blue eyeshadow, then I do lighter blues each time till I'm out of space.

I do my eyeliner on my right eye-it looks like Mona Lisa! Since Mina is good at copying stuff, she does my other eye for me. Then...I do mascara. And-tada! Both of us are ready to go.

Oh-I almost forgot! I am...going to train as a pro hero! Of course, I'll miss my friends at work-so I'll volunteer on weekends.

We get to the club-all eyes are on us. People are whispering about us...about me. Only this time, when people stare and point at my scars, I'm PROUD to show them off.

I actually...I actually love them. Mina helped me in THAT department. Mina ordered two drinks for us and while we waited, we had a loving talk.

"Two lemon-drop Martinis!" The male bartender sets them down in front of us. "Enjoy."

"Thank you", I smile, then I see something on around the straw. "MINA-? What's...what's this?" I see a ring.

"Surprise!" She shouted, not caring if people stared. "I had this arranged!"

"M-Mina..." I gasped, feeling my eyes water. "No... Are you s-serious?"

"I'm dead serious", she said, taking both of my hands. "Y/n-you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you a lot! I know that-that I'm not good with speeches and all. But...will you stay with me the rest of your life?"

I didn't know what to say. I truly didn't. But-the look I give Mina says more than I want to say.

"Yes. Yes, I will."


RiJayne16. ❤️❤️

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