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This is happening! This is-REALLY happening. I am dating my damn crush... Mina and I have been together for roughly seven months. And she treats me like I hung the moon in the sky. She loves me very much.

Now, we've been talking about moving in together the last two weeks. This is...this is crazy! She's talked about me becoming a pro hero. And...I just don't know.

I've told her that I'll give it time and that I'll think about it. I've been thinking about it-for a month. I...I really don't know.

Right now I'm heading to work. But...all I could REALLY think about was what Mina asked me. Well-on the bright side-I've finished the motorcycle I've been working on!

All my employees are gathered here. Taylor (who not gonna lie is my favorite), Derrek, Levi, Angela-all of them. Angela did the paint job.

It is a desert-orange with black trim. The rims are chrome, and the tires are white walls. It's a Harley Davidson. A beautiful bike, one of the best kinds.

"Let's start it up!" I said cheerfully, while everyone else hollered and cheered.

I sat down on it. I put in the key, and started it up. It sounded...BEAUTIFUL. Everyone cheered so loud. It was great! Angela did an amazing job on the paint work.

"Woohoo! We did it!" I yelled in victory. "Way to go everyone!"

So, for today's schedule, it's a free day. I rarely give days like this at work. So-everyone is extremely excited. Taylor is acting like a kid in a candy store...which is honestly adorable.

I push the bike outside, leaving it for display. It's not for sale. But, if someone offers a reasonable price for it...then...wouldn't hurt to make money. Right? Right!

"Y/n!" The excited voice of Taylor sounds behind me. "Can Angela show you something? She's been airbrushing this random car frame for awhile now."

"And-WHY haven't I noticed it?" I follow him, curiosity nagging me.

"Because she wanted it to be a surprise", he smiled, his sandy-brown hair slightly messy. "It's for you."

"Oh!" I said, "okay, then. Show me."

"Angela!" Taylor called as he guided me to where she was working. "I got y/n! She's coming."

"Great!" I could hear her unveiling something. "Get her to close her eyes!"

"Y/n-", Taylor turned to me, a giddy look on his face, "you gotta close your eyes now."

"How can I be so sure you won't push me into a pile of trash again? And that-you considered a prank", I snapped, trying not to laugh.

"Trust us on this one!" He pleaded, taking my hand, "now-CLOSE your eyes."

"Fine! I am", I huffed, closing my eyes and letting him lead me.

"Okay... You are going to LOVE this!" Angela said as she saw me being guided by Taylor. "Are you ready?"

"Just show me!" I complained.

"Okay! Still keep your eyes closed!" Taylor let go of my hand and I can hear him walking over to stand beside Angela. "You ready?"


"One..." They counted down together. " your eyes!"

"Hm-? Oh my...!" My eyes widened, unable to believe it.

The car frame was in mt favorite colors: all kinds of blues, a soft purple, and black. was signed by all the employees. Also-on the metal plate where the license plate is supposed to be-there was a little message.

"Guys..." I said softly, forcing myself to stop sniffling. "This is-INSANE! How could you guys keep a secret from me? It's almost impossible."

"We thought our cover was gonna be blown numerous times" Angela said, her hazel eyes glowing with relief, her blonde hair in a messy bun. "But-grace was on our side!"

"Read the note!" Taylor said.

"Okay" I reply, going over and crouching down to read it.

"Dear y/n,

Thank you for being the best manager we've ever had! You're always there for every single one of us. And-we hope to have you for many years to come. Despite the terrible moments that we've had-...which includes you being pushed into a pile of trash -thank you for always considering us your friends! Also...we are proud to be your family!

Flash Bang Works"

•lol I did the company based off her quirk•

"Thanks, you guys!" I smiled wide. "I was actually thinking...all of you guys have been amazing in your work. So-I am giving EACH and EVERY one of you-a $3.00 raise."

"Woohoo! Let's go tell the others!" Angela said to Taylor, whom she dragged away behind her.

This is a good day. I can't leave this-it's too pretty to look at. Last night Mina sent me a screenshot that she took of a nice house: four bedroom, three bath, a patio, and a pool. That's...that's just perfect! I agree that we should look into the home.

With her job and my job combined-we can save up the money! I can't believe it... My idol, my crush, is...the love of my life.

I can finally let go of the past that's been keeping me trapped for so long.

I Love You So (Mina x reader)Where stories live. Discover now