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I'm at my tattoo appointment! God-this better not hurt to the point where I cry like a damn baby. But...everyone is different. Who knows! I park my bike and walk inside. The pretty woman at the front desk sees me. Damn...

"Hello", she smiles, "your name, please?"

"Y/n", I said, leaning on the counter. "If I may say-you've been here for long? I don't remember seeing a pretty thing like you before." I LOVE flirting with women. It's fun.

"Well", she chuckles, blushing already. "This will be my second week here. Lucky me!"

"Indeed, very much so~." I smile. "I have to wait here till I get my name called?" I pointed to the sofa.

"That's right, ma'am", she said.

"PLEASE-it makes me feel old. I have a life ahead me", I snicker.

I plop myself down and wait for my name to ring out. I thought I was gonna turn to stone if I waited any longer. Luckily-I didn't have to!

"You must be y/n?" I look up to meet the eyes of a...FAIRLY attractive man, with oceans for eyes. "Please-follow me."

"Yes." I get up and follow him. "How are you today?" I asked as I sat down in the chair.

"Good", he smiles, "so-this is what you want?" He showed me what he came up with.

"Perfect!" I smiled. "On estimated long do you think it'll be altogether?"

"Since you want your whole arm done", he began, "it'll be about...hour to an hour and a half for the line work."

"Damn", I said, "that's a long time."

"Yeah", he chuckled, "how is your pain tolerance?"

"About an eight. In my opinion", I reply, slipping off my jacket and rolling up my sleeve.

"Is...this how ya want it?" He places the thing down, and peels it back to reveal the blueprint of it.

It covers up my scars almost PERFECTLY! Now...I look at it scars have GROWN into something more than just a memory. still kind of hurts though.

"Perfect. Yep, that's alright." I nod.

"Alright!" He grins. "Let's get to work, shall we?"

It didn't hurt AS bad as I thought...but I was dying inside. I curled my hands into fists, flexing my arms constantly to try to distract myself from the pain. When he was done with the line work-HOLLY HELL, I let out a HUGE sigh of relief.

He let me take a five minute break, seeing my arm was slightly trembling. Eli, the man who's doing my tattoo, gave me the break so he can get the colors ready. I watch him work.

"How long have you been working here?" I ask him.

"About seven years", he says, "this is your first one?"

"Yep", I chuckle, "it isn't as bad as I thought. But-damn."

"Hmm", he smiled, "I know what you mean. Okay-! I'm all set to go again. You ready?"

"Yep! I'm ready."

"You're doing extremely well for the first time", Eli commented, finishing one flower as he moved on to the next. "Most people would be leaking faucets, by now."

"Yeah", I let out a strained laugh. "The ditch and the bicep on my arm-are those the most tender spots for the average person?"

"Correct", he nods, looking at me for a mere second with his pretty eyes.

"Ah. I see." I winced, but forced my arm to stay still. "Wow! The colors are nice."

"Thank you", he allows himself to smile, "after the flowers-we are doing...the branches. This'll be a little more painful due to the amount of shading I gotta do here."

"Take your time. Don't wanna hurt yourself, yeah?"

"Hm." There was a soft shade of pink on his face...and there was some on mine.

Not gonna lie-Eli is the first person that ever...ever FEEL this way. I mean-I like both. But...what happened to me when I was little, I'm more hesitant to open up my heart towards men. Which...I'm not gonna get into. But-I ASSUME it's easy for you all to guess. Right?

We made small talk for the remaining three hours. When he finished and let me look in the mirror-I was amazed. It was like...there were no scars to begin with. I was so happy! I bit the inside of my cheek to forbid the tears to fall from my eyes.

"So? What do you think?" Eli asked. "Did I do a good job?"

"You did...AMAZING" I sigh, allowing my voice to crack in the least. "Sorry...! Just-thank you. I appreciate it."

"No problem, y/n", he nods, giving a soft grin. "The total gonna be $375 even. Cash or card?"
"Cash", I smile. " you think someone like you would wanna hang out with someone like ME, sometime?" I do my smirk and raise an eyebrow.

•lmao Tsukki is typing•

"What makes you think I'll say no?" Eli replies, honesty in his voice while his eyes shined.

"Well", I laugh to myself. "I like MEN-...and women. Also...I have a little bit of a hard time opening up to guys." I lowered my voice.

"What does THAT have to do with hanging out? I see you as a simple woman who wants to make a friend, yeah?" He brushes his hair out of his eyes.

"Hmm, you know me better than most strangers", I snicker. "Let's say...what's your Instagram?"

We exchanged accounts and he sent me a DM. He wraps my arm in seran wrap, gave me aqua-for, and sent me on my way. I drive home with a smile on my face. Eli was different-the good kind. Most men I meet they give me bad vibes... But, Eli gave me a sense of calming, and, I somehow knew that he won't do anything to hurt me. Interesting...

I get home and change out of my clothes and eat some dessert for dinner. After that, I videocall Mina along with Jirou. I show off the finished work-and...they LOVE it! Mina is astounded. We talk WELL into the night...-more like 3:30 AM. They go to sleep after that. But-me? I can't

I mean, Eli is already an amazing person. He's got good looks, a kind heart. heart cries out to one woman. And...I wonder if she will ever feel the same for me as I do for her.

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